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PFSK142 3BSE006505R1卷筒供應裝置的發展因為這些都不影響檢索到的QDATA文件的參數內容,此檢索到的文件可以下載到任何QTERM-II中,而無需修改。3.3基本QDATA文件概念標識符。QDATA文件包含QSETUP用于確定如何配置QTERM-II的“標識符”。這些標識符以兩種格式出現:[….]和<….>有關編輯QDATA文件的最重要規則是永遠不要刪除或編輯任何標識符

PFSK142 3BSE006505R1卷筒供應裝置的發展

因為這些都不影響檢索到的QDATA文件的參數內容,此檢索到的文件可以下載到任何QTERM-II中,而無需修改。3.3基本QDATA文件概念標識符。QDATA文件包含QSETUP用于確定如何配置QTERM-II的“標識符”。這些標識符以兩種格式出現:[….]和<….>有關編輯QDATA文件的最重要規則是永遠不要刪除或編輯任何標識符,并且永遠不要更改其順序!您將編輯分配給標識符的值,但不能編輯標識符、刪除標識符或更改其顯示順序。版本。您必須使用與QTERM-II中代碼版本相同的QDATA文件和QSETUP程序版本。?您的QDATA版本在文件擴展名中注明(即QDATA40.V30為3.0版),是QDATA文件中的第一個標識符。?啟動QSETUP程序時,第一個屏幕上會顯示QSETUP版本。?如果按住任何鍵并通電,將顯示QTERM-II中的軟件版本。如果您發現有不同的QDATA、QSETUP和QTERM-II代碼版本,請聯系Beijer Electronics以獲取更新的軟件和說明。不要試圖同時使用這些項目的不同版本;您可能會損壞QTERM-II操作代碼。QDATA文件大小。您編輯的QDATA文件可以任意大。當QSETUP向QTERM-II發送QDATA信息時,它只發送實際參數和密鑰字符串。QTERM-II可以存儲的QDATA文件中的最大信息量約為1000字節。


大約270字節的信息,因此在超過1000字節的限制之前,可以向鍵值字符串添加大約730字節的數據。QSETUP將告訴您QTERM-II是否存儲了太多數據。ASCII編輯器。您可以使用任何編輯器修改QDATA配置文件,但編輯器的輸出必須是ASCII格式,沒有任何嵌入代碼。QTERM-II發行盤上包含TED3編輯器(TED3.COM),您可以使用它編輯QDATA文件。文件TED3.DOC為編輯器及其命令提供了文檔。大寫/小寫。對于關鍵字(如“on”或“off”),大小寫無關緊要;i、 e.“ON”與“ON”是相同的關鍵字。對于帶引號的文本字符串(用于鍵字符串),字符串的賦值與QDATA文件中所示完全相同。評論。可以根據需要在文件中添加注釋。注釋以分號開始,在一行的末尾結束(在回車符處)。空白。可以根據需要在文件中添加空白。這意味著您可以在任何地方添加空格、制表符、回車符和換行符。唯一的例外是,不能用空格分割關鍵字(如“off”)或標識符(如[shift mode]),并且在帶引號的文本字符串(分配給鍵)中,引號內的任何內容都將分配給鍵。由于可以添加和刪除回車符,因此可以將每個標識符放在單獨的一行上,也可以在一行上有多個標識符,只要它們出現的順序不變。

Since neither of these affects

 the parameter content of the retrieved QDATA file, this retrieved file can be downloaded into any QTERM-II without modification. 3.3 Basic QDATA File Concepts Identifiers. The QDATA file contains "identifiers" used by QSETUP to determine how to configure the QTERM-II. These identifiers appear in two formats: [....] and <....> The most important rule about editing the QDATA file is NEVER DELETE OR EDIT ANY OF THE IDENTIFIERS, AND NEVER CHANGE THEIR ORDER! You will edit the values assigned to the identifiers, but you may not edit the identifiers, delete the identifiers or change the order in which they appear. Versions. You must use the same version of the QDATA file and the QSETUP program as the version of code in your QTERM-II. ? Your QDATA version is noted in the file name extension (i.e. QDATA40.V30 is version 3.0) and is the first identifier in the QDATA file. ?The QSETUP version is displayed on the first screen when you start the QSETUP program. ?The version of software in your QTERM-II is displayed if you hold down any key and apply power. If you find that you have different QDATA, QSETUP and QTERM-II code versions, contact Beijer Electronics for updated software and instructions. Do not attempt to use different versions of these items together; you will probably corrupt the QTERM-II operational code. QDATA File Size. The QDATA file which you edit can be as large as you want. When QSETUP sends the QDATA information to the QTERM-II, it only sends actual parameters and key strings. The maximum amount of information from the QDATA file which can be stored by the QTERM-II is about 1000 bytes.

The default QDATA files generate

 about 270 bytes of information, so you can add about 730 bytes of data to keystrings before you exceed the 1000 byte limit. QSETUP will tell you if there is too much data to be stored by the QTERM-II. ASCII Editor. You may use any editor to modify the QDATA configuration file, but the output from the editor must be in ASCII format, without any embedded codes. Included on your QTERM-II distribution disk is the TED3 editor (TED3.COM), which you can use to edit the QDATA file. The file TED3.DOC provided documentation for the editor and its commands. Uppercase/Lowercase. For keywords (such as "on" or "off"), case does not matter; i.e. "ON" is the same keyword as "on." For quoted text strings, (used for key strings), the string is assigned exactly as shown in the QDATA file. Comments. Comments may be added to the file as desired. A comment starts with a semicolon and ends at the end of a line (at the carriage return). Whitespace. Whitespace may be added to the file as desired. This means you can add spaces, tabs, carriage returns and line feeds anywhere you would like. The only exceptions are that you cannot split a keyword (such as "off") or identifier (such as [shift mode]) with whitespace, and that in quoted text strings (which are assigned to keys), anything within the quotes will be assigned to the key. Since you can add and remove carriage returns, you can place each identifier on a separate line, or you can have several identifiers on one line, as long as the order in which they appear is not changed.

PFSK130 3BSE002616R1.jpg

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