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產品資訊 行業資訊 工控詢價


作者:xqt 發布時間:2022-07-06 09:46:53 次瀏覽

TSXMRPC002M模塊,SCHNEIDER產品外觀四個字節包含板的速度,單位為MHz。前兩個字節是MHz的整數和后兩個字節是MHz的分數。例如,對于25.00 MHz板,此字段包含:25006、以太網地址預留6個字節。地址存儲在十六進制格式。(請參閱第4章中的詳細說明。)如果電路板不支持以太網,該字段用零填充。7、這兩個字節是保留的。8.為本地SCSI ID保留兩個字節。TSXMRPC002M



例如,對于25.00 MHz板,此字段包含:25006、以太網地址預留6個字節。地址存儲在十六進制格式。(請參閱第4章中的詳細說明。)如果電路板不支持以太網,該字段用零填充。

7、這兩個字節是保留的。8.為本地SCSI ID保留兩個字節。


TSXMRPC002M -1.jpg

TSXMRPC002M模塊SCSI ID存儲在ASCII格式。9.為印刷線路板(PWB)編號保留八個字節以ASCII格式分配給內存夾層板。但事實并非如此包括01-W前綴。例如,對于4MB奇偶校驗夾層版本A,PWB字段包含:3837B02A10、為分配給內存的序列號保留八個字節ASCII格式的夾層板。11、為印刷線路板(PWB)編號保留8個字節以ASCII格式分配給串行端口2個性板。12.為分配給串行端口2的序列號保留八個字節ASCII格式的個性板。13、為電路板標識符保留八個字節,采用ASCII格式,分配至可選的第一個工業包裝a。14.為序列號保留八個字節,采用ASCII格式,分配至可選的第一個工業包裝a。15、印刷線路板(PWB)編號保留8個字節分配給可選的第一個行業包a。16、為電路板標識符保留八個字節,采用ASCII格式,分配至可選的第二工業包裝b。17.為序列號保留八個字節,采用ASCII格式,分配至可選的第二工業包裝b。18、為印刷線路板(PWB)編號保留8個字節分配給可選的第二個工業包b。為電路板標識符保留八個字節,采用ASCII格式,分配至可選的第三產業包裝c。20.為序列號保留八個字節,采用ASCII格式,分配至可選的第三產業包裝c。21、為印刷線路板(PWB)編號保留8個字節分配給可選的第三產業包裝c。22、為電路板標識符保留八個字節,采用ASCII格式,分配至可選的第四工業包裝d。23.為序列號保留八個字節,采用ASCII格式,分配至可選的第四工業包裝d24、為印刷線路板(PWB)編號保留8個字節分配給可選的第四個工業包d。25、保留增長空間(65字節)。這使結構達到偶數256字節。該區域的最后一個字節保留用于校驗和(如MVME162Bug調試包用戶手冊)用于安全和數據NVRAM配置區域的完整性。該數據存儲在十六進制格式。

Four bytes contain the speed of the board in MHz. The first two bytes are

the whole number of MHz and the second two bytes are fractions of MHz.

For example, for a 25.00 MHz board, this field contains:


6. Six bytes are reserved for the Ethernet address. The address is stored in

hexadecimal format. (Refer to the detailed description in Chapter 4.) If the

board does not support Ethernet, this field is filled with zeros.

7. These two bytes are reserved.

8. Two bytes are reserved for the local SCSI ID. The SCSI ID is stored in

ASCII format.

9. Eight bytes are reserved for the printed wiring board (PWB) number

assigned to the memory mezzanine board in ASCII format. This does not

include the 01-W prefix. For example, for a 4MB parity mezzanine at

revision A, the PWB field contains:


10. Eight bytes are reserved for the serial number assigned to the memory

mezzanine board in ASCII format.11. Eight bytes are reserved for the printed wiring board (PWB) number

assigned to the serial port 2 personality board in ASCII format.

12. Eight bytes are reserved for the serial number assigned to the serial port 2

personality board in ASCII format.

13. Eight bytes are reserved for the board identifier, in ASCII format, assigned

to the optional first IndustryPack a.

14. Eight bytes are reserved for the serial number, in ASCII format, assigned

to the optional first IndustryPack a.

15. Eight bytes are reserved for the printed wiring board (PWB) number

assigned to the optional first IndustryPack a.

16. Eight bytes are reserved for the board identifier, in ASCII format, assigned

to the optional second IndustryPack b.

17. Eight bytes are reserved for the serial number, in ASCII format, assigned

to the optional second IndustryPack b.

18. Eight bytes are reserved for the printed wiring board (PWB) number

assigned to the optional second IndustryPack b.

19. Eight bytes are reserved for the board identifier, in ASCII format, assigned

to the optional third IndustryPack c.

20. Eight bytes are reserved for the serial number, in ASCII format, assigned

to the optional third IndustryPack c.

21. Eight bytes are reserved for the printed wiring board (PWB) number

assigned to the optional third IndustryPack c.

22. Eight bytes are reserved for the board identifier, in ASCII format, assigned

to the optional fourth IndustryPack d.

23. Eight bytes are reserved for the serial number, in ASCII format, assigned

to the optional fourth IndustryPack d.

24. Eight bytes are reserved for the printed wiring board (PWB) number

assigned to the optional fourth IndustryPack d.

25. Growth space (65 bytes) is reserved. This pads the structure to an even 256


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