Bit set and clear instructions should not be used on this
control register. Because the interrupt is cleared by
writing a 1 to the status bit and the status bit is a 1 to
indicate a pending interrupt, the read-modify-write
sequence may clear a pending interrupt. These bits program the interrupt level the tick timer generates.These bits program the interrupt level the printer generates.
Level 0 does not generate an interrupt. These bits are cleared by
Bit 3 When this bit is high, the interrupt is enabled. The interrupt is
disabled when this bit is low. This bit is cleared by reset.
Bit 4 When this bit is low, the rising edge of ACK* generates an
interrupt. When this bit is high, the falling edge of ACK*
generates an interrupt. This bit is cleared by reset.
Bit 5 When interrupts are enabled, this bit is set by the rising or
falling edge of ACK* as selected by bit 4. This bit is edge
sensitive and is cleared by writing a 1 to it or when printer
interrupts are disabled.
Bit 6 When interrupts are enabled, this bit is set by the falling edge of
FAULT*. This bit is edge sensitive and is cleared by writing a 1
to it or when printer interrupts are disabled.
Bit 7 When this bit is high, a printer interrupt is being generated at
the level programmed in bits 0-2. This bit is the OR of bits 5 and
6. This bit is cleared by reset.
Because level 0 does not generate an interrupt, this level is
intended for polling software. These bits are cleared by reset.
Bit 3 When this bit is high, the interrupt is enabled. The interrupt is
disabled when this bit is low. This bit is cleared by reset.
Bit 7 When this bit is high, a tick timer interrupt is being generated at
the level programmed in bits 0-2. This bit is edge sensitive and it
is set by a carry out of the tick timer when interrupts are
enabled. This bit is cleared when a 1 is written to it or when the
interrupt is disabled. When cleared, it remains cleared until the
next carry out. This bit is cleared by reset.