NI PXIe-4844數字示波器模塊
1.產 品 資 料 介 紹:
NI PXIe-4844是一款高性能、多通道的數字信號采集卡,適用于需要同時采集多個通道的信號的應用場合。以下是該產品的特點、使用方法以及參數詳情:
NI PXIe-4844產品特點:
- 多通道采集:支持16個差分輸入通道,可同時采集多個通道的信號。
- 高采樣率:支持最高1.8 GS/s的采樣率,可快速采集高速信號。
- 大容量內存:具有512 MB的內存容量,可實現長時間的數據采集。
- 靈活的時鐘和觸發選項:支持多種時鐘和觸發選項,可根據需要進行配置。
- PXIe總線接口:采用PXIe總線接口,支持快速數據傳輸和集成測試。
NI PXIe-4844使用方法:
- 安裝:將NI PXIe-4844插入PXIe機箱中,并安裝相應的驅動程序和軟件。
- 連接:將采集信號連接到NI PXIe-4844的輸入通道上。
- 配置:使用NI的軟件工具(如LabVIEW)進行配置,選擇適當的采樣率、觸發和時鐘設置。
- 啟動:啟動采集過程,并等待數據采集完成。
- 分析:使用NI的軟件工具進行數據分析和處理。
NI PXIe-4844參數詳情:
- 采樣率:最高1.8 GS/s
- 通道數:16個差分輸入通道
- 分辨率:12位
- 內存容量:512 MB
- 輸入阻抗:1 MΩ || 10 pF
- 帶寬:500 MHz
- 功耗:約17 W
- 尺寸:3U PXIe板卡
NI PXIe-4844 is a high-performance, multi-channel digital signal acquisition card suitable for applications that require simultaneous acquisition of signals from multiple channels. The following are the characteristics, usage methods, and parameter details of the product:
NI PXIe-4844 Product Features:
Multi channel acquisition: Supports 16 differential input channels and can simultaneously collect signals from multiple channels.
High sampling rate: Supports a sampling rate of up to 1.8 GS/s and can quickly collect high-speed signals.
Large capacity memory: With a memory capacity of 512 MB, it can achieve long-term data collection.
Flexible clock and trigger options: Supports multiple clock and trigger options, which can be configured as needed.
PXIE bus interface: Adopting PXIE bus interface, supporting fast data transmission and integration testing.
NI PXIE-4844 Usage:
Installation: Insert NI PXIe-4844 into the PXIE chassis and install the corresponding drivers and software.
Connection: Connect the collected signal to the input channel of NI PXIe-4844.
Configuration: Use NI software tools such as LabVIEW to configure and select appropriate sampling rate, trigger, and clock settings.
Start: Start the collection process and wait for the data collection to complete.
Analysis: Use NI software tools for data analysis and processing.
NI PXIe-4844 parameter details:
Sampling rate: up to 1.8 GS/s
Number of channels: 16 differential input channels
Resolution: 12 bits
Memory capacity: 512 MB
Input impedance: 1 M Ω | | 10 pF
Bandwidth: 500 MHz
Power consumption: approximately 17 W
Size: 3U PXIE board
2.產 品 展 示
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