NI PXI-7851R多功能的PXI總線控制器
1.產 品 資 料 介 紹:
NI PXI-7851R是一款高性能、多功能的PXI總線控制器,可用于數據采集、控制和處理應用。以下是它的配置說明和參數以及優點:
- NI PXI-7851R具有8個差分/16個單端模擬輸入通道和8個差分/16個單端模擬輸出通道。
- 它還具有32個數字輸入通道和32個數字輸出通道。
- PXI-7851R支持多種總線接口,包括PCI Express、Gigabit Ethernet和USB 2.0。
- 帶寬:100 MS/s的模擬采樣率、200 MB/s的數據傳輸速率
- 分辨率:16位
- 緩存:512 MB DDR2內存
- 精度:±1 LSB的噪聲,±0.01%的精度誤差
- 工作溫度:0°C到55°C
- 高性能: PXI-7851R采用高速數據轉換器和大型內存緩存,可以實現高達100 MS/s的模擬采樣率和200 MB/s的數據傳輸速率,從而可以滿足高速數據采集和控制應用的需求。
- 多功能:PXI-7851R支持多種總線接口,包括PCI Express、Gigabit Ethernet和USB 2.0,可以輕松連接到各種設備和計算機系統。
- 易于集成:PXI-7851R是一個PXI模塊,可以與其他PXI模塊組合使用,構建成一個完整的測試、測量和控制系統。它還支持多種編程語言和開發環境,包括LabVIEW和C/C++等,方便用戶進行應用開發和集成。
- 可靠性:PXI-7851R采用工業級設計,具有高可靠性和穩定性,適用于各種工業和科學應用場合。
NI PXI-7851R is a high-performance and multifunctional PXI bus controller that can be used for data acquisition, control, and processing applications. The following are its configuration instructions, parameters, and advantages:
Configuration instructions:
The NI PXI-7851R has 8 differential/16 single ended analog input channels and 8 differential/16 single ended analog output channels.
It also has 32 digital input channels and 32 digital output channels.
PXI-7851R supports multiple bus interfaces, including PCI Express, Gigabit Ethernet, and USB 2.0.
Bandwidth: 100 MS/s analog sampling rate, 200 MB/s data transmission rate
Resolution: 16 bits
Cache: 512 MB DDR2 memory
Accuracy: ± 1 LSB noise, ± 0.01% accuracy error
Working temperature: 0 ° C to 55 ° C
High performance: PXI-7851R adopts a high-speed data converter and a large memory cache, which can achieve an analog sampling rate of up to 100 MS/s and a data transfer rate of 200 MB/s, thus meeting the requirements of high-speed data acquisition and control applications.
Multifunctional: PXI-7851R supports multiple bus interfaces, including PCI Express, Gigabit Ethernet, and USB 2.0, making it easy to connect to various devices and computer systems.
Easy to integrate: PXI-7851R is a PXI module that can be combined with other PXI modules to build a complete testing, measurement, and control system. It also supports multiple programming languages and development environments, including LabVIEW and C/C++, making it convenient for users to develop and integrate applications.
Reliability: PXI-7851R adopts an industrial grade design with high reliability and stability, suitable for various industrial and scientific applications.
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