NI PXIe-4357 4通道模擬輸入模塊
1.產 品 資 料 介 紹:
NI PXIe-4357是一款高性能的4通道模擬輸入模塊,它適用于需要高精度和高速數據采集的應用場合,例如傳感器信號采集、音頻信號分析等。
NI PXIe-435的主要技術參數和優點如下:
- 通道數:4個模擬輸入通道。
- 分辨率:16位分辨率,具有高精度的測量能力。
- 采樣率:最高可達1.8 MS/s的高速采樣率。
- 帶寬:每個通道的帶寬可達400 kHz,可以滿足高頻信號采集的需求。
- 輸入阻抗:1 MΩ輸入阻抗,適用于各種類型的傳感器信號采集。
- 噪聲:非常低的噪聲水平,可以保證高精度的數據采集。
- PXI Express接口:通過PXI Express接口與主機連接,具有高速、可靠、穩定的數據傳輸能力。
- 多種軟件支持:支持LabVIEW、LabWindows/CVI等多種軟件平臺,方便用戶進行開發和數據分析。
- 靈活的配置:用戶可以通過軟件配置增益、采樣率、觸發模式等參數,以滿足不同應用場合的需求。
總之,NI PXIe-4357具有高精度、高速、低噪聲、靈活可配置等優點,適用于各種需要高性能數據采集的應用場合。
NI PXIe-4357 is a high-performance 4-channel analog input module suitable for applications that require high-precision and high-speed data acquisition, such as sensor signal acquisition, audio signal analysis, etc.
The main technical parameters and advantages of NI PXIe-435 are as follows:
Number of channels: 4 analog input channels.
Resolution: 16 bit resolution, with high-precision measurement capability.
Sampling rate: Up to a high-speed sampling rate of 1.8 MS/s.
Bandwidth: The bandwidth of each channel can reach 400 kHz, which can meet the needs of high-frequency signal acquisition.
Input impedance: 1 M Ω input impedance, suitable for signal acquisition of various types of sensors.
Noise: A very low noise level can ensure high-precision data collection.
PXI Express interface: connected to the host through the PXI Express interface, with high-speed, reliable, and stable data transmission capabilities.
Multiple software support: Supports various software platforms such as LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, making it easy for users to develop and analyze data.
Flexible configuration: Users can configure parameters such as gain, sampling rate, and trigger mode through software to meet the needs of different application scenarios.
In summary, NI PXIe-4357 has the advantages of high precision, high-speed, low noise, and flexibility, making it suitable for various applications that require high-performance data collection.
2.產 品 展 示
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