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NI PXI-7841R嵌入式實時數據采集卡

NI PXI-7841R嵌入式實時數據采集卡

NI PXI-7841R嵌入式實時數據采集卡1.產 品 資 料 介 紹:中文資料:NI PXI-7841R是一款高性能的嵌入式實時數據采集卡,主要用于高速數據采集、處理、控制和通信應用。它是 National Instruments 公司推出的一款 PXIe 總線接口的高速 CAN-FD 數據采集卡,具有以下優點:高性能:NI PXI-7841R 采用 NI 自主研發的 NI-CAN 驅動程序,可...

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NI PXI-7841R嵌入式實時數據采集卡

    NI PXI-7841R嵌入式實時數據采集卡

    1.產 品 資 料 介 紹:


    NI PXI-7841R是一款高性能的嵌入式實時數據采集卡,主要用于高速數據采集、處理、控制和通信應用。它是 National Instruments 公司推出的一款 PXIe 總線接口的高速 CAN-FD 數據采集卡,具有以下優點:

    1. 高性能:NI PXI-7841R 采用 NI 自主研發的 NI-CAN 驅動程序,可以實現高達 1 Mbps 的 CAN 通信速度和高達 5 Mbps 的 CAN-FD 通信速度。同時,該卡還具有 FPGA 加速功能,可以通過 FPGA 加速來實現高速數據采集和實時處理。

    2. 多通道:NI PXI-7841R 具有兩個 CAN-FD 通道,每個通道都可以獨立配置為 CAN 或者 CAN-FD 模式,可以支持多個設備的同時通信,實現高效的數據采集和控制。

    3. 高靈活性:NI PXI-7841R 支持多種觸發模式,包括硬件觸發、軟件觸發、定時觸發等,可以滿足不同應用場景下的實時控制和數據采集需求。

    4. 穩定可靠:NI PXI-7841R 采用工業級的硬件設計,具有高抗干擾、高穩定性和高可靠性,可以滿足嚴苛的工業環境下的應用需求。

    NI PXI-7841R 的主要參數如下:

    1. 總線接口:PXIe 總線接口

    2. 通信速率:最高支持 1 Mbps 的 CAN 通信速度和 5 Mbps 的 CAN-FD 通信速度

    3. 通道數量:2 個 CAN-FD 通道,每個通道都可以獨立配置為 CAN 或者 CAN-FD 模式

    4. 觸發模式:支持硬件觸發、軟件觸發、定時觸發等多種觸發模式

    5. 數據存儲:支持本地存儲和遠程存儲兩種數據存儲方式

    6. 驅動程序:支持 NI-CAN 驅動程序

    總之,NI PXI-7841R 是一款高性能、高靈活性、穩定可靠的嵌入式實時數據采集卡,適用于高速數據采集、處理、控制和通信應用。


    NI PXI-7841R is a high-performance embedded real-time data acquisition card mainly used for high-speed data acquisition, processing, control, and communication applications. It is a high-speed CAN-FD data acquisition card with PXIE bus interface launched by National Instruments, which has the following advantages:

    High performance: NI PXI-7841R adopts NI's independently developed NI-CAN driver program, which can achieve CAN communication speeds of up to 1 Mbps and CAN-FD communication speeds of up to 5 Mbps. At the same time, the card also has FPGA acceleration function, which can achieve high-speed data acquisition and real-time processing through FPGA acceleration.

    Multi channel: NI PXI-7841R has two CAN-FD channels, each of which can be independently configured in CAN or CAN-FD mode, supporting simultaneous communication between multiple devices, achieving efficient data acquisition and control.

    High flexibility: NI PXI-7841R supports multiple triggering modes, including hardware triggering, software triggering, timed triggering, etc., which can meet real-time control and data collection requirements in different application scenarios.

    Stable and reliable: NI PXI-7841R adopts industrial grade hardware design, which has high anti-interference, stability, and reliability, and can meet the application requirements in harsh industrial environments.

    The main parameters of NI PXI-7841R are as follows:

    Bus interface: PXIE bus interface

    Communication speed: Supports up to 1 Mbps CAN communication speed and 5 Mbps CAN-FD communication speed

    Number of channels: 2 CAN-FD channels, each channel can be independently configured for CAN or CAN-FD mode

    Trigger mode: supports multiple trigger modes such as hardware trigger, software trigger, and timed trigger

    Data storage: supports two data storage methods: local storage and remote storage

    Driver: Supports NI-CAN drivers

    In summary, NI PXI-7841R is a high-performance, highly flexible, stable and reliable embedded real-time data acquisition card suitable for high-speed data acquisition, processing, control, and communication applications.

    2.產      品      展      示      

    NI PXI-7841R.png

    3.主      營      品      牌      




    型號:NI PXI-7841R嵌入式實時數據采集卡








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