WOODWARD 5441-413數字控制器
1.產 品 資 料 介 紹:
Woodward 5441-413是一種數字控制器,主要用于監控和控制發電機和發動機的運行。它可以監測各種參數,例如轉速、溫度、油壓等,并根據需要調整輸出以保持穩定的運行。
Woodward 5441-413控制器可以通過可編程邏輯控制器(PLC)或計算機進行編程和配置。它還具有與其他控制器和傳感器進行通信的能力,以實現更復雜的控制和監測系統。
Woodward 5441-413通常用于船舶、發電廠、石油和天然氣行業以及其他需要穩定、可靠運行的重型機械和設備的應用領域。
Woodward 5441-413 is a digital controller primarily used to monitor and control the operation of generators and engines. It can monitor various parameters, such as rotational speed, temperature, oil pressure, and adjust the output as needed to maintain stable operation.
The Woodward 5441-413 controller can be programmed and configured through a programmable logic controller (PLC) or computer. It also has the ability to communicate with other controllers and sensors to achieve more complex control and monitoring systems.
Woodward 5441-413 is commonly used in ships, power plants, the oil and gas industry, and other applications that require stable and reliable operation of heavy machinery and equipment.
2.產 品 展 示
3.主 營 品 牌