1.產 品 詳 情 資 料:
注意:RELIANCE E243端口僅用于傳輸應用程序數據。它不用于永久連接。在正常操作過程中,請勿讓RDSD設備處于連接狀態。12在出版時,RSTi EP CPE100不支持。13 Proficy公司? OPC UA服務器配置需要RELIANCE E2430 SIM 2或更高版本。14發布時RX3i CPE400和RSTi EP CPE100的掛起。注意:使用RELIANCE E243時,所有編程軟件連接必須處于脫機狀態,RDSD才能正常工作。注意RELIANCE E243不支持Cfast存儲卡作為RDSD設備。將一個項目從CPU上傳到RDSD注意事項:一次只能將一個應用程序項目存儲到RDSD。在RELIANCE E243將項目寫入RDSD之前,刪除任何以前的應用程序;如果在上傳開始時RDSD上存在名為PACS_Folder的目錄,則會刪除該目錄及其所有內容。閃存設備寫入整個存儲器塊,并且存儲器塊大小因設備而異。由于最小塊大小的差異以及項目使用的塊的數量的差異,項目使用的空間量可能在RDSD之間有所不同。所需的最小內存量是整個項目的大小加上options.txt文件的額外塊(如果使用的話)RELIANCE E243
Note: The USB port is for transfer of application data only. It is not intended for permanent connection. Do not leave RDSD devices connected during normal operation. 12 Not supported by RSTi-EP CPE100 at the time of publication. 13 Proficy? Machine Edition Logic Developer PLC 9.00 SIM 10, or 9.50 SIM 2, or later is required for OPC UA Server configuration. 14 Pending for RX3i CPE400 and RSTi-EP CPE100 at the time of publication.Note: When using RDSD, all programming software connections must be in the Offline state for the RDSD to function properly. Note: CPE330 does not support Cfast memory cards as RDSD devices. Uploading a Project from the CPU to the RDSD Notes: Only one application project can be stored to the RDSD at a time. Before the RX3i writes the project to the RDSD, any previous application is removed; if a directory named PACS_Folder exists on the RDSD at the start of the upload, it is deleted with all of its contents. Flash devices write in whole memory blocks and memory block sizes vary among devices. The amount of space used by a project may vary between RDSDs due to the differences in minimum block sizes and therefore the number of blocks used by a project. The minimum amount of memory required will be the size of the entire project plus an additional block for the options.txt file, if used
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