NI SCXI-1327模塊卡件
1.產 品 詳 情 資 料:
底板僅包含無源元件。它包含用于CEX總線的輸入和輸出連接器、用于CI862單元的插槽、用于Genius總線手持式監視器的端口、用于模塊冗余鏈路通信的高速串行端口和用于TRIO現場總線連接的端口。CI862包含帶閃存、RAM、LED指示燈、電源的Coldfire MCF5307微控制器,和帶有雙端口存儲器的CEX總線接口,橋接到GE/FanucμGenie通信模塊。μGenie處理CI862載波模塊和TRIO現場總線之間的所有數據傳輸,使載波CPU能夠控制遠程I/O。指示燈R(un)、F(ault)、通信錯誤、主(總線主)和雙(冗余)總線類型菊花鏈總線電纜的LED指示燈;單雙絞線加屏蔽或雙絞線。協議類似于RS422標準通信速度153.6 ext,38.4,76.8,153.6 std kbit/s總線容量(一段)最多32個設備。16個設備,38.4 Kbaud。包括CI862和手持式顯示器。電氣總線電纜兩端的總線終端75、100、120或150歐姆電阻器。最大總線長度38.4 Kbaud時為7500英尺,76.8 Kbaud下為4500英尺,153.6 Kbaud延伸時為3500英尺,153.6Kbaud擴展時為2000英尺,標準。每個波特率下的最大長度也取決于電纜類型。電流隔離是狀態指示燈紅色LED指示錯誤綠色LED指示運行
The baseplate contains only passive elements. It holds the input and output connectors for the CEX-Bus, a slot for the CI862 unit, a port used for the Genius Bus Hand Held Monitor, a high speed serial port used for module redundancy link communications and a port for the TRIO Field Bus connection.CI862 contains the Coldfire MCF5307 Microcontroller with Flash memory, RAM, LED indicators, power supply, and CEX-Bus interface with dual port memory, bridged to a GE/Fanuc μGenie Communication Module. The μGenie handles all data transfer between the CI862 Carrier module and the TRIO FIELD BUS, allowing the Carrier CPU to control the remote I/O. Indicators LED indicators for R(un), F(ault), Communication Error, Primary (Bus Master), and Dual (redundancy) Bus Type Daisy-chained bus cable; single twisted pair plus shield or Twinax. Protocol similar to the RS422 standard Communication speed 153.6 ext, 38.4, 76.8, 153.6 std kbit/s Bus Capacity (one segment) Max 32 devices. 16 devices at 38.4 Kbaud. Includes CI862 and Hand-held Monitor. Bus Termination 75, 100, 120, or 150 ohm resistor at both ends of electrical bus cable. Maximum Bus Length 7500 feet at 38.4 Kbaud, 4500 feet at 76.8 Kbaud, 3500 feet at 153.6 Kbaud extended, 2000 feet at 153.6 Kbaud, standard. Maximum length at each baud rate also depends on cable type. Galvanic Isolation Yes Status Indicators Red LED for error Green LED for run
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