HIMA F8560X模塊卡件
1.產 品 詳 情 資 料:
主要功能?提供一個以太網端口(位于TP860基板上的RJ45連接器)。?簡單的DIN導軌安裝。?通過以太網與基金會現場總線高速以太網設備進行通信。?安裝在機組底座中的預設兩個字母的阿爾法代碼鎖定裝置可防止安裝不兼容的組件。?支持FF HSE冗余。?支持熱插拔。說明CI860/TP860可用于通過以太網通過TCP/IP將AC 800M控制器連接到基金會現場總線高速以太網。TP860基板有一個RJ45以太網連接器,用于將裝置連接到基金會現場總線高速以太網。底板有一個代碼鎖,見第75頁表4,可防止在TP860底板上安裝不正確類型的裝置。CI860擴展單元包含CEX總線邏輯、通信單元和DC/DC轉換器,該轉換器通過CEX總線從+24 V電源提供適當的電壓。以太網電纜必須連接到以太網設備。要使用CI860操作FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1設備,這些H1設備必須通過FOUNDATION現場總線鏈接設備(例如LD 800HSE)連接,以使其適應FOUNDATION Fieldbus高速以太網。
Key Features ? Provides one Ethernet port, (RJ45 connector located on the TP860 Baseplate). ? Simple DIN-rail mounting. ? Provides communication with FOUNDATION Fieldbus High Speed Ethernet devices via Ethernet. ? Pre-set, two-letter Alpha code locking device installed in unit base prevents mounting of incompatible components. ? Supports FF HSE redundancy. ? Supports hot swap. Description The CI860/TP860 can be used to connect an AC 800M controller to FOUNDATION Fieldbus High Speed Ethernet through TCP/IP via Ethernet. The TP860 Baseplate has one RJ45 Ethernet connector to connect the unit to the FOUNDATION Fieldbus High Speed Ethernet. The baseplate has a code lock, see Table 4 on page 75, that prevents the installation of an incorrect type of unit onto the TP860 Baseplate. The CI860 expansion unit contains the CEX-Bus logic, a communication unit and a DC/DC converter that supplies appropriate voltages from the +24 V supply via the CEX-Bus. The Ethernet cable must be connected to an Ethernet device. To operate FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 devices with the CI860 these H1 devices must be connected via a FOUNDATION Fieldbus Linking Device (for example LD 800HSE) to adapt them to FOUNDATION Fieldbus High Speed Ethernet.
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