NI PCI-6229多功能數據采集卡
1.產 品 介 紹
型號說明:NI PCI-6229多功能數據采集卡
2.產 品 詳 情 資 料:
NI PCI-6229是一款高性能的多通道數據采集卡,適用于各種測量和控制應用。下面是一些有關該產品的介紹,使用方法和參數規格:
介紹:NI PCI-6229是NI(National Instruments)公司生產的一款16位多通道數據采集卡,可實現8個單端或4個差分輸入通道,并具有16位分辨率和最大采樣率為250 kS/s。該卡還配備了數字I/O和計時/計數功能,可以滿足各種應用的需要。
使用方法:要使用NI PCI-6229,您需要安裝NI-DAQmx驅動程序和相關的軟件開發工具,例如LabVIEW或C++。然后,您可以使用這些工具創建數據采集任務,并配置采集參數,例如采樣率,通道配置和觸發方式。最后,您可以將數據傳輸到計算機內存或硬盤上,以進行后續處理和分析。
- 采樣率:最大250 kS/s
- 分辨率:16位
- 通道配置:8個單端或4個差分輸入通道
- 數字I/O:8個輸入/輸出通道
- 計時/計數:2個計時器/計數器通道
- 接口類型:PCI
- 其他特性:支持多個卡片同步,具有高阻抗輸入,可以外部觸發
總之,NI PCI-6229是一款功能強大,易于使用的數據采集卡,適用于各種高精度測量和控制應用。
NI PCI-6229 is a high-performance multi-channel data acquisition card, suitable for various measurement and control applications. Here are some introductions, usage methods and parameter specifications of the product:
Introduction: NI PCI-6229 is a 16-bit multi-channel data acquisition card produced by NI (National Instruments), which can realize 8 single-ended or 4 differential input channels, and has a 16-bit resolution and a maximum sampling rate of 250 kS/s. The card is also equipped with digital I/O and timing/counting functions, which can meet the needs of various applications.
Usage: To use NI PCI-6229, you need to install the NI-DAQmx driver and related software development tools, such as LabVIEW or C++. Then, you can use these tools to create data collection tasks and configure collection parameters, such as sampling rate, channel configuration and trigger method. Finally, you can transfer the data to the computer memory or hard disk for subsequent processing and analysis.
Parameter specification:
Sampling rate: 250 kS/s maximum
Resolution: 16 bits
Channel configuration: 8 single-ended or 4 differential input channels
Digital I/O: 8 input/output channels
Timing/counting: 2 timer/counter channels
Interface type: PCI
Other features: support multiple card synchronization, have high impedance input, and can be triggered externally
In short, NI PCI-6229 is a powerful and easy-to-use data acquisition card, suitable for various high-precision measurement and control applications.
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