NI PXI-2532開關模塊
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型號說明:NI PXI-2532開關模塊
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安裝S100 I/O接口NI PXI-2532由處理器單元通過CEX總線供電,因此不需要額外的外部電源。使用以下步驟安裝CI856/TP856:1。將裝置安裝在DIN導軌上,請參見第65頁的“將AC 800M裝置安裝到DIN導軌上”和第78頁的“以單一配置安裝NI PXI-2532處理器裝置”。2.將S100 I/O電纜TK575/TK580連接至基板上的觸點。必須使用總線擴展器DSBC174/DSBC176/DSBC173A。S100 I/O連接和安裝將S100 I/O機架電纜TK575/TK580連接到NI PXI-2532上的“I/O標記”36針中心線微型帶狀連接器。S100 I/O的安裝有關S100 I/O相關組件的安裝,請參閱S100 I/O文檔。請注意,CI856單元沒有單元冗余。安裝INSUM接口NI PXI-2532由處理器單元通過CEX總線供電,因此不需要額外的外部電源。使用以下步驟安裝NI PXI-2532。將裝置安裝到DIN導軌上,請參閱第65頁的“將AC 800M裝置安裝在DIN導軌上”和“以單一配置安裝NI PXI-2532處理器裝置”
Installing the S100 I/O Interface, NI PXI-2532is powered from the processor unit via the CEX-Bus and requires therefore no additional external power source. Use the following procedure to install the CI856/TP856: 1. Mount the unit on the DIN-rail, see Mounting AC 800M Units onto DIN-Rail on page 65 and Installing the PM86x/TP830 Processor Unit in Single Configuration on page 78. 2. Connect the S100 I/O cable, TK575/TK580, to the contact on the baseplate. A bus extender, DSBC174/DSBC176/DSBC173A, must be used. S100 I/O Connection and Installation Connect the S100 I/O rack cable NI PXI-2532 to the “I/O-labeled” 36-pin centerline miniature ribbon connector located on TP856. Installation of S100 I/O For installation of the S100 I/O-related components, see S100 I/O documentation. Note that there is no unit redundancy for the NI PXI-2532 unit.Installing the INSUM Interface, NI PXI-2532The CI857 is powered from the processor unit via the CEX-Bus and requires therefore no additional external power source. Use the following procedure to install the CI857/TP853: 1. Mount the unit onto the DIN-rail, see Mounting AC 800M Units onto DIN-Rail on page 65 and Installing the PM86x/TP830 Processor Unit in Single Configuration
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