NI SCXI-1338控制主板卡件
1.產 品 介 紹
型號說明:NI SCXI-1338控制主板卡件
2.產 品 詳 情 資 料:
安裝PROFIBUS DP接口NI SCXI-1338由處理器單元通過CEX總線供電,因此不需要額外的外部電源。使用以下步驟安裝NI SCXI-1338。將裝置安裝到DIN導軌上,請參見第65頁的“將AC 800M裝置安裝到DIN導軌上”和第78頁的“以單一配置安裝NI SCXI-1338處理器裝置”。2.在PROFIBUS DP電纜上安裝連接器。建議使用帶有可切換內置總線終端的連接器。將電纜屏蔽連接到連接器的金屬外殼,通過CI854/CI854A將屏蔽接地。將數據電纜導線A連接到端子PIN8(RxD/TxD-N),將數據電纜電纜導線B連接到端子PIN3(RxD/DxD-P)。如果數據傳輸電纜的數據線具有紅色和綠色絕緣層,則應使用以下分配:數據電纜線A:綠色數據電纜線B:紅色3。將兩條線路的電纜屏蔽連接到功能接地,例如使用接地夾NI SCXI-1338
Installing the PROFIBUS DP Interface,NI SCXI-1338 is powered from the processor unit via the CEX-Bus and requires therefore no additional external power source. Use the following procedure to install theNI SCXI-1338: 1. Mount the unit onto the DIN-rail, see Mounting AC 800M Units onto DIN-Rail on page 65 and Installing the NI SCXI-1338 Processor Unit in Single Configuration on page 78. 2. Install a connector on the PROFIBUS DP cable. A connector with a switchable built-in bus termination is recommended. Connect the cable screen to the metal case of the connector to ground the screen via CI854/CI854A. Connect the data cable wire A to the terminal PIN8 (RxD/TxD-N) and the data cable wire B to the terminal PIN3 (RxD/TxD-P). If the data transfer cable has data wires with red and green insulation, then the following assignment should be used: Data cable wire A: green Data cable wire B: red 3. Connect the cable shield for both lines to functional ground, for example by using a grounding clampNI SCXI-1338
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