NI PXI-8232以太網接口模塊
1.產 品 介 紹
型號說明:NI PXI-8232以太網接口模塊
2.產 品 詳 情 資 料:
在FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1電纜上安裝連接器。將電纜屏蔽連接到連接器內的接地端子,通過CI582將屏蔽接地。3.將FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1電纜連接至基板上的觸點。基金會現場總線H1連接將FF H1總線連接到位于TP852基板上的DB9公連接器。有關設計現場總線(連接器、電纜和設備)的更多信息,NI PXI-8232請參閱現場總線文檔。fieldbus在線可通過互聯網網站獲得供應商、設備、服務和其他現場總線相關項目的目錄。為現場設備供電需要現場總線供電的現場設備需要連接到數據線的特殊電源(與現場設備相同)。為避免現場總線信號短路,僅使用具有專門為基金會現場總線設計的阻抗特性的電源。請勿為此目的使用SD82x電源設備。請注意,CI852單元沒有單元冗余。不能在高完整性控制器中使用。CI852已被CI860通信接口所取代。NI PXI-8232僅因遺留原因而被描述。不可能通過熱插拔更改CI852單元,也不允許在包含CI852的系統中執行固件的在線升級。NI PXI-8232
Install a connector on the FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 cable. Connect the cable screen to the ground terminal within the connector to ground the screen via NI PXI-8232. 3. Connect the FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 cable to the contact on the baseplate. FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 Connection Connect the FF H1 bus to the male DB9 connector located on the TP852 Baseplate For additional information on designing a fieldbus (connectors, cables and devices), see fieldbus documentation. A catalog referencing suppliers, devices, services and other fieldbus-related items, is available for FIELDBUS ONLINE via the Internet web site. Powering Field Devices Field devices requiring power from the fieldbus need special power supplies connected to the data wires (in the same way as a field device). To avoid shortcircuiting of fieldbus signals, use only power supplies with impedance characteristics specifically designed for FOUNDATION Fieldbus. Do not use SD82x power supply units for this purpose. Note that there is no unit redundancy for the CI852 unit. Cannot be used in High Integrity Controller. CI852 has been replaced by theNI PXI-8232 communication interface. CI852 is only described for legacy reasons. It is not possible to change the NI PXI-8232 unit via hot swap and it is not allowed to perform an online upgrade of firmware in a system containing NI PXI-8232.
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