SAIA PCD2.M120控制裝置
1.產 品 介 紹
型號:SAIA PCD2.M120
2.產 品 詳 情 資 料:
SAIA PCD2.M120在用戶程序內,通過構建模塊H8-STA-3,最多可將10個可測試輸出模塊分配給一個組。3) 關閉相關CU的WD在這種情況下,將關閉相關中央模塊的看門狗信號(WD)。如果使用具有冗余中央模塊和公共I/O總線的系統,則輸出模塊與兩個中央模塊相關。如果出現故障,中央模塊的兩個看門狗信號都會關閉。這意味著所有I/O模塊都將關閉。如果使用具有冗余中央模塊和冗余I/O總線的系統,SAIA PCD2.M120則輸出模塊與一個中央模塊和一個I/O總線相關。發生故障時,僅關閉相關中央模塊的看門狗信號。這意味著僅關閉相關I/O模塊。使用的縮寫和符號:PS電源模塊I/O輸入/輸出(模塊/總線)CU中央模塊SAIA PCD2.M120
Inside the user’s program up to 10 testable output modules can be assigned to one group by means of the building block H8-STA-3. 3) SAIA PCD2.M120Switch off WD of the appertaining CU In this case the watch dog signal (WD) of the appertain-ing central module will be switched off. If systems with redundant central modules and a common I/O bus are used then the output modules are related to both central modules. In case of a fault both the watchdog signals of the central modules are switched off. That means all the I/O modules are switched off. If systems with redundant central modules and redundant I/O bus are used then the output modules are related to one central module and one I/O bus. In case of a fault only the watch dog signal of the related central module is switched off. That means only the related I/O modules are switched off.Used abbreviations and signs: PS Power supply module I/O Input/output (module/bus) CU Central moduleSAIA PCD2.M120
3.產 品 展 示
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