NI PXIe-5605變頻器
1.產 品 介 紹
型號:NI PXIe-5605
2.產 品 詳 情 資 料:
NI PXIe-5605第4步:離散輸入模塊的輸入計算離散輸入模塊需要兩次計算,一次用于模塊的信號電平電路(已在第1步中完成),另一次用于輸入電路。注意,輸入電路消耗的功率來自單獨的電源,NI PXIe-5605因此不包括在步驟2中用于計算PLC電源消耗的圖中。我們將假設輸送到這些模塊的所有輸入電路功率最終都作為熱量消散。步驟是:?在GFK-0898 Series 90-30 I/O模塊規格手冊中輸入模塊的“規格”表中查找輸入電流值。將輸入電壓乘以電流值乘以估計的接通時間百分比,以獲得該輸入的平均功耗。NI PXIe-5605對模塊上的所有輸入重復此步驟。為了節省時間,您可以確定多個輸入在電流消耗和時間上是否相似,以便您只需進行一次計算。對機架中的所有離散輸入模塊重復這些計算。
Step 4: Input Calculations for Discrete Input Modules A Discrete Input Module requires two calculations, one for the module’s signal-level circuits, which was already done in Step 1, and one for the input circuits. Note that the power dissipated by the input circuits comes from a separate power source, so are not included in the figure used to calculate PLC power supply dissipation in Step 2. We will assume that all input circuit power delivered to these modules is eventually dissipated as heat. The procedure is:? Find the value for the Input Current in the NI PXIe-5605“Specifications” table for your input module in the Series 90-30 I/O Module Specifications Manual, GFK-0898.Multiply the input voltage times the current value times the estimated percent of on-time to arrive at average power dissipation for that input.Repeat for all inputs on the module. NI PXIe-5605To save time, you could determine if several inputs were similar in current draw and on-time so that you would only have to make their calculation once.Repeat these calculations for all Discrete Input modules in the rack.NI PXIe-5605
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