NI PXIe-2790功率組合器和開關模塊
1.產 品 介 紹
型號:NI PXIe-2790
2.產 品 詳 情 資 料:
NI PXIe-2790使用公式平均功耗=電壓降x電流消耗(以安培為單位)x接通時間百分比(以十進制表示):1.5 x 1.0 x 0.10=0.15瓦每個螺線管然后將此結果乘以2,因為我們有兩個相同的螺線管:0.15瓦x 2個螺線管=0.30瓦兩個螺線管的總功率。在本示例中,該16點模塊上的其他14個輸出點操作操作員面板上的指示燈。每個指示燈需要0.05安培的電流。7個指示燈100%亮起,7個預計40%亮起。NI PXIe-2790對于100%時間亮起的7盞燈:1.5 x 0.05 x 1.00=0.075瓦每盞燈然后將該值乘以7:0.075瓦x 7盞燈=前7盞燈的總功耗0.525瓦對于40%時間亮起7盞燈:1.5x 0.05 x 0.40=.03瓦每盞燈接著將該值除以7:0.03瓦x 7燈=其他7盞燈的功耗0.21瓦相加單獨計算,我們得到:0.30+0.525+0.21=1.035瓦,用于模塊的總輸出計算NI PXIe-2790
Use the formula Average Power Dissipation = Voltage Drop x Current Draw (in Amps) x Percent (expressed as a decimal) of on-time: 1.5 x 1.0 x 0.10 = 0.15 watts per solenoid Then multiply this result by 2 since we have two identical solenoids: 0.15 watts x 2 Solenoids = 0.30 watts total for the two solenoids Also in this example, the other 14 output points on this 16-point module operate pilot lights on an operator’s panel. Each pilot light requires .05 Amps of current. NI PXIe-2790Seven of the pilot lights are on 100% of the time and seven are on an estimated 40%. For the 7 lights that are on 100% of the time: 1.5 x .05 x 1.00 = 0.075 watts per light Then multiply this value by 7: 0.075 watts x 7 lights = 0.525watts total dissipation for the first 7 lights For the 7 lights that are on 40% of the time: 1.5 x .05 x 0.40 = .03 watts per light Then multiply this value by 7: 0.03 watts x 7 lights = 0.21 watts total dissipation for the other 7 lights Adding up the individual calculations, we get: 0.30 + 0.525 + 0.21 = 1.035 watts for the module’s total output calculationNI PXIe-2790
3.產 品 展 示
4.公 司 優 勢
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