NI PXIe-8108嵌入式控制器
1.產 品 介 紹
型號:NI PXIe-8108
2.產 品 詳 情 資 料:
NI PXIe-8108不能簡單地使用電源的額定功率(例如30瓦)進行計算,因為應用程序可能不需要電源的全部容量。如果您使用電源端子板上的+24V DC輸出,則應計算所消耗的功率,將該值除以2,然后將其添加到電源的總功率中。由于每個Series 90-30機架都有自己的電源,因此每個機架都應單獨計算。第3步:離散輸出模塊的輸出計算離散固態輸出模塊需要兩次計算,NI PXIe-8108一次用于模塊的信號電平電路(已在第1步中完成),另一次用于輸出電路。(繼電器輸出模塊不需要此輸出電路計算。)由于這些模塊中的固態輸出開關設備將降低可測量的電壓,因此可以計算其功耗。注意,輸出電路消耗的功率來自單獨的電源,因此在步驟2中用于計算PLC電源消耗的圖中不包括該功率。NI PXIe-8108
You cannot simply use the rating of the power supply (such as 30 watts) for this calculation because the application may not require the full capacity of the power supply. If you are using the +24VDC output on the power supply’s terminal strip, NI PXIe-8108you should calculate the power drawn, divide the value by 2, and add it to the total for the power supply. Since each Series 90-30 rack has its own power supply, each rack should be calculated on an individual basis. Step 3: Output Calculations for Discrete Output Modules Discrete solid state Output modules require two calculations, one for the module’s signal-level circuits, which was already done in Step 1, and one for the output circuits. (This output circuit calculation is not required for the Relay Output modules.) NI PXIe-8108Since the solid state output switching devices in these modules will drop a measurable amount of voltage, their power dissipation can be calculated. Note that the power dissipated by the output circuits comes from a separate power source, so it is not included in the figure used to calculate PLC power supply dissipation in Step 2.NI PXIe-8108
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