NI PXIe-7962R射頻信號分析儀模塊
1.產 品 介 紹
型號:NI PXIe-7962R
2.產 品 詳 情 資 料:
NI PXIe-7962R端口隔離器可在單點或多點模式下運行,由模塊頂部的滑動開關選擇。端口隔離器提供以下功能:?四個光隔離信號通道:SD、RD、RTS和CTS?與RS-485的電氣兼容性?單點或多點操作?符合串行通道標準的輸入端接?用于電源隔離的5V DC/DC轉換器?支持熱插入連接器隔離器提供兩個連接器,一個15針公D型(PL1)和一個15引腳母D型(PLL2)。如果端口隔離器用于端口對端口模式或多點配置的末端,則使用端接電阻器。要終止RD平衡線,請在針腳9和針腳10之間放置一根跨接導線。a表示–,B表示+。NI PXIe-7962RA和B表示輸出,A’和B’表示輸入。安裝隔離器封裝在輪廓塑料外殼中,該外殼設計用于直接連接到串行端口,或通過12“延長電纜用于面板安裝應用NI PXIe-7962R
The Port Isolator can operate in either single- or multi-drop mode, which is selected by a slide switch on the top of the module. The Port Isolator provides the following features: ? Four opto-isolated signal channels: SD, RD, RTS, and CTSNI PXIe-7962R? Electrical compatibility with RS-485 ? Single- or multi-drop operation ? Input termination consistent with standard for serial channels ? A 5V DC/DC converter for power isolationNI PXIe-7962R? Hot insertion is supported Connectors The Isolator provides two connectors, one 15 pin male D-type (PL1) and one 15 pin female D-type (PL2).Use the terminating resistor if the Port Isolator is used in port-to-port mode or at the end of a multi-drop configuration. To terminate the RD balanced line, place a jumper wire from pin 9 to pin 10.A denotes – and B denotes +. A and B denote outputs and A' and B' denote inputs.Installation The Isolator is packaged in a contoured plastic enclosure designed for either direct attachment to a serial port or through a 12” extender cable for panel mounted applicationsNI PXIe-7962R
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