NI PXIe-6259多功能采集卡
1.產 品 介 紹
型號:NI PXIe-6259
2.產 品 詳 情 資 料:
如果需要接地隔離,您可以使用GE Fanuc隔離中繼器/轉換器NI PXIe-6259代替微型轉換器。使用帶有調制解調器連接的Miniconverter時,可能需要將RTS跳線至CTS(請參閱調制解調器的用戶手冊)。電纜圖(點對點)當使用硬件握手將微型轉換器連接到IBM PC和兼容計算機時,應使用以下電纜連接。NI PXIe-6259 RS-485端口隔離器取代NI PXIe-6259隔離中繼器/轉換器(也稱為“磚塊”)。該設備具有500伏的隔離,封裝緊湊,適用于所有NI PXIe-6259PLC產品線。該產品直接連接到RS485串行端口或通過設備提供的短延長電纜連接。延伸電纜適用于與端口的直接連接受到周圍設備阻礙或設備無法從PLC模塊伸出的情況
If ground isolation is required, you can use the GE Fanuc Isolated Repeater/Converter NI PXIe-6259 in place of the Miniconverter. When using the Miniconverter with a modem connection, it may be necessary to jumper RTS to CTS (consult the user’s manual for your modem). Cable Diagrams (Point-To-Point) When connecting the Miniconverter to IBM PC and compatible computers with hardware handshaking, the following cable connections should be used.TheNI PXIe-6259 RS-485 Port Isolator replaces the IC655CMM590 Isolated Repeater/Converter (also referred to as the “Brick”). The device features 500 volts of isolation in a compact package servicing all NI PXIe-6259 PLC product lines. The product connects directly to an RS485 serial port or though a short extender cable provided with the device. The extension cable is intended for use in applications where direct connection to the port is obstructed by surrounding equipment or when it is not acceptable for the device to protrude from a PLC module
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