NI PXIe-8106嵌入式控制器
1.產 品 介 紹
型號:NI PXIe-8106
2.產 品 詳 情 資 料:
NI PXIe-810690系列SNP到RS-232微型轉換器與IBM PC-AT或兼容計算機一起使用時,延長電纜的一端插入微型轉換器的9針串行端口連接器,另一端插入計算機的9針串口。需要轉換器插頭(隨套件提供)將Miniconverter上的9針串行端口連接器轉換為GE Fanuc Workmaster II計算機或IBM PC-XT或PS/2個人計算機上的25針串行端口接口。GE Fanuc Workmaster計算機需要一個額外的適配器NI PXIe-8106(未隨套件提供–請聯系您當地的GE FanucPLC經銷商)用于微型轉換器。引腳分配微型轉換器的引腳如以下兩個表所示。NI PXIe-8106第一個表顯示RS-232端口的引腳,第二個表顯示RS-422端口。引腳分配,RS-232端口表D-1用于RS-232端口。信號流的方向與微型轉換器有關。
Series 90 SNP to RS-232 Miniconverter When used with an IBM PC-AT, or compatible computer, one end of the extension cable plugs into the Miniconverter’s 9-pin serial port connector, the other end plugs into the 9-pin serial port of the computer. NI PXIe-8106The Converter plug (supplied with kit) is required to convert the 9-pin serial port connector on the Miniconverter to the 25-pin serial port connector on the GE Fanuc Workmaster II computer, or an IBM PC-XT or PS/2 Personal Computer.NI PXIe-8106The GE Fanuc Workmaster computer requires an additional adapter (not supplied with kit – please contact your local GE Fanuc PLC distributor) for use with the Miniconverter.Pin Assignments The pinouts of the Miniconverter are shown in the following two tables. The first table shows the pinout for the RS-232 port, the second table shows the RS-422 port. Pin Assignments, RS-232 Port Table D-1 is for the RS-232 port. The direction of signal flow is with respect to the Miniconverter.NI PXIe-8106
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