NI PXIe-7976R控制模塊
1.產 品 介 紹
型號:NI PXIe-7976R
2.產 品 詳 情 資 料:
NI PXIe-7976R控制模塊當主設備和任何從設備之間的最大距離不超過4000英尺(200米)時,可以使用此方法。此圖假設電纜質量良好,環境噪音適中。在菊花鏈或多點配置中,最多可使用RS-422連接8個從設備。RS-422線路必須包括握手,并使用“電纜和連接器規格”一節中規定的導線類型。NI PXIe-7976R下圖顯示了將Workmaster II或IBM-PS/2、Workmaster、IBM-AT/XT或兼容計算機連接到8線多點串行數據配置的Series 90 PLC的接線圖和要求。Series 90-70串行端口的電纜連接器必須是直角連接器,以便模塊上的鉸鏈門正確關閉。請參閱表A-“連接器/電纜規格”。注意:此產品不再提供。本附錄供已經使用此轉換器的用戶參考。我們建議將NI PXIe-7976R作為大多數應用的替代品(詳見附錄D)。本附錄詳細說明了90系列可編程邏輯控制器的RS-422/RS-485至RS-232轉換器(NI PXIe-7976R。
This method can be used when the maximum distance between the master and any slave does not exceed 4000 feet (200 meters). This figure assumes good quality cables and a moderately noisy environment. A maximum of 8 slaves can be connected using RS-422 in a daisy chain or multidrop configuration. The RS-422 line must include handshaking and use wire type as specified in the “NI PXIe-7976RCable and Connector Specifications” section. The following illustrations shows wiring diagrams and requirements for connecting a Workmaster II or IBM-PS/2, Workmaster, IBM-AT/XT or compatible computer to Series 90 PLCs in an 8-wire multidrop, serial data configuration.The cable connector for the Series 90-70 serial port must be a right angle connector in order for the hinged door on the module to close properly. Refer to Table A-NI PXIe-7976R, “Connector/Cable Specification.”Note: This product is no longer available. This appendix is for reference for those already using this converter. We recommend the IC690ACC901 as a replacement for most applications (see Appendix D for details). This appendix provides a detailed description of the RS-422/RS-485 to RS-232 ConverterNI PXIe-7976R for the Series 90 Programmable Logic Controllers.
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