NI PXIe-4480聲音和振動模塊
1.產 品 介 紹
型號:NI PXIe-4480
2.產 品 詳 情 資 料:
NI PXIe-4480聲音和振動模塊IBM-AT/XT串行端口IBM-AT、IBM-XT或兼容計算機的RS-232串行端口是一個9針D型公連接器,如下圖所示。微型轉換器套件該套件包括一個RS-422到RS-232微型轉換器、一根6英尺(2米)的串行電纜和一個9引腳到25引腳的串行端口轉換器插頭。該微型轉換器記錄在附錄D中。該微型轉換器取代了舊的、更大的、過時的NI PXIe-4480聲轉換器。過時的RS-232/RS-485轉換器NI PXIe-4480聲將RS-232轉換為RS-422/RS-485通信。轉換器有一個5針內D型端口和一個25針外D型端口。此轉換器不再可用。請更換IC690ACC90微型轉換器。本手冊中包含有關此轉換器的信息,以供參考和故障排除。有關轉換器的詳細信息,請參閱附錄D。本附錄的其余部分提供了包括轉換器在內的串行電纜圖示例。NI PXIe-4480聲
IBM-AT/XT Serial Port The IBM-AT, IBM-XT or compatible computer’s RS-232 serial port is a 9-pin D-type male connector as shown in the figure below.Miniconverter Kit This kit consists of an RS-422 to RS-232 miniconverter, a 6 foot (2 meter) serial cable, and a 9-pin to 25-pin serial port converter plug. This miniconverter is documented in Appendix D. This miniconverter has replaced the older, larger, obsoleteNI PXIe-4480聲 converter.The obsolete RS-232/RS-485 ConverterNI PXIe-4480聲converts from RS-232 to RS-422/RS-485 communications. The converter has one 5-pin female D-type port, and one 25-pin female D-type port. This converter is no longer available. Please substitute the IC690ACC90 miniconverter. Information about this converter is included in this manual for reference and troubleshooting purposes. For detailed information on the converter, refer to Appendix D. Examples of serial cable diagrams, which include the converter, are provided in the remainder of this appendix.
3.產 品 展 示
4.關 于 我 們