NI PXI-8432/4端口串行接口
1.產 品 介 紹
型號:NI PXI-8432/4
2.產 品 詳 情 資 料:
NI PXI-8432/4端口串行接口選項模塊備用電池每年更換一次。有關更多說明,請查看用戶手冊。有關如何在更換電池時避免內存內容丟失的說明,請參閱第5章。4通風如果在外殼中使用通風風扇,請檢查是否正常工作。讓手指和工具遠離移動的風扇。至少每月清潔或更換通風空氣過濾器(如果使用)。NI PXI-8432/4機械密封關閉電源后,檢查連接器和模塊是否牢固地安裝在其插座中,以及電線連接是否牢固。NI PXI-8432/4對于低振動安裝,每年進行一次。對于高振動裝置,至少每季度檢查一次,每年檢查一次。關閉電源后,從外殼內部取出可能導致短路或通風堵塞或易燃的手冊、印刷品或其他松散材料。輕輕地吸塵部件上收集的灰塵和污垢。執行此任務時,請使用真空吸塵器,而不是壓縮空氣。
Option Module backup battery Replace annually. Check user’s manual for additional instructions. Check Chapter 5 for instructions on how to avoid loss of memory contents when replacing battery. 4 Ventilation If using ventilation fan in enclosure, check for proper operation. Keep fingers and tools away from moving fans. Clean or replace ventilation air filter, NI PXI-8432/4if using one, at least monthly. 5 Mechanical tightness With power OFF, check that connectors and modules are seated securely in their sockets and that wire connections are secure. For low vibration installations, perform annually. NI PXI-8432/4For high vibration installations, check at least quarterly.Check annually. With power OFF, remove manuals, prints, or other loose material that could cause shorts or ventilation blockage, or that are flammable, from inside of enclosure. Gently vacuum dust and dirt that has collected on components. Use vacuum cleaner, not compressed air, for this task.NI PXI-8432/4
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