NI PXIe-6366多功能I/O模塊
型號:NI PXIe-6366多功能I/O模塊
NI PXIe-6366多功能I/O模塊中文資料:
NI PXIe-6366多功能I/O模塊升級套件包含新的EPROM芯片、更新標簽和安裝說明。要升級嵌入式CPU系統中的EPROM,必須拔下插槽1中的模塊,才能訪問基板上的PROM插槽。如果是模塊化CPU,則必須拔下并拆卸CPU。?閃存-對于固件存儲在閃存中的CPU,升級是通過將新的固件文件復制到CPU的閃存來完成的。可從GE Fanuc購買升級套件。升級工具包包含必要的文件、更新標簽和說明。該方法不需要拆卸模塊。NI PXIe-6366文件下載可以通過電源上的端口進行,也可以通過CPU模塊前面的端口(如果有)進行。適用的方法將記錄在升級工具包說明中。可下載的固件升級文件也可在GE Fanuc網站的技術支持區域找到。有關網站信息,請參閱第13章。
NI PXIe-6366英文資料
The upgrade kit contains new EPROM chip(s), update labels, and installation instructions. To upgrade the EPROM in an embedded CPU system, the module in slot 1 must be unplugged to gain access to the PROM socket on the baseplate. In the case of a modular CPU, the CPU must be unplugged and disassembled. ? Flash - For CPUs with firmware stored in Flash, the upgrade is done by copying a new firmware file to the CPU’s Flash memory. An upgrade kit may be purchased from GE Fanuc. The upgrade kit contains the necessary files, update labels, and instructions. This method does not require disassembling the module. The file downloading is done either through the port on the power supply, or through a port on the front of the CPU module (if it has one). The applicable method will be documented in your upgrade kit instructions. Downloadable firmware upgrade files are also found in the Technical Support area of the GE Fanuc Web site. See Chapter 13 for Web site information.NI PXIe-6366
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