NI PXIe-4610功率放大器PXI放大器模塊
型號:NI PXIe-4610
NI PXIe-4610功率放大器PXI放大器模塊中文資料:
NI PXIe-4610功率放大器PXI放大器模塊通用CPU功能微處理器微處理器類型因CPU型號而異:?80188微處理器,適用于311/313/323/331型CPU,以及所有非布爾函數的執行(如這里所使用的,術語布爾指的是離散邏輯,如觸點和線圈)。模塊化CPU中的布爾函數由專用VLSI(超大規模集成)指令序列協處理器(ISCP)處理。NI PXIe-4610所有Series 90-30 CPU使用RAM工作內存。CPU串行端口(電源上的連接器)一個15針D型母連接器,通過打開電源右前方的鉸鏈門進入,提供與CPU串行端口的連接,該端口用于連接到:?運行GE Fanuc PLC編程軟件的程序員(通常是個人計算機)。IC690ACC901微型轉換器/電纜套件是訪問該端口的便捷方式。有關詳細信息,請參閱附錄D。IC693PRG300 GE Fanuc手持式編程器(CPU374不支持HHP)詳見第11章。?IC200ACC003 EZ程序存儲設備。詳見GFK-1811。(僅限CPU374)其他串行設備。NI PXIe-4610
General CPU Features Microprocessor The microprocessor type varies by the CPU model: ? 80188 microprocessor for CPU models 311/313/323/331 ? 80C188XL microprocessor for CPU models 340/341 ? 80386EX microprocessor for CPU models 350-364 ? 586 microprocessor for CPU model 374 The microprocessor provides all fundamental sweep and operation control, and execution of all non-boolean (as used here, the term boolean refers to discrete logic such as contacts and coils) functions. Boolean functions in the modular CPUs are handled by a dedicated VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) Instruction Sequencer Coprocessor (ISCP). All Series 90-30 CPUs use RAM working memory. CPU Serial Port (Connector on Power Supply) A 15-pin D-type female connector, accessed by opening the hinged door on the right front of the power supply, provides the connection to a CPU serial port which is used to connect to: ? a programmer (usually a personal computer) running GE Fanuc PLC programming software. The IC690ACC901 Miniconverter/cable kit is a convenient way to access this port. See Appendix D for details. ? the IC693PRG300 GE Fanuc Hand-Held Programmer (CPU374 does not support the HHP.) See Chapter 11 for details. ? the IC200ACC003 EZ Program Store device. See GFK-1811 for details. (CPU374 only) ? other serial devices.NI PXIe-4610
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