NI PXIe-8388遠程控制模塊
型號:NI PXIe-8388
NI PXIe-8388遠程控制模塊中文資料:
NI PXIe-8388遠程控制模塊有關底板特征的詳細信息,請參見第2章。有三種不同的嵌入式CPU:型號311(IC693CPU311)、型號313(IC693C PU313)和型號323(IC693CPU323)。嵌入式CPU具有以下基本功能:?CPU類型不能更改。它焊接在底板的背板上。?它們不支持使用擴展或遠程機架,因此嵌入式CPU底板不像模塊化底板那樣具有擴展連接器。這意味著如果您的應用程序需要10個以上的模塊,則必須使用模塊化CPU系統。?311和313型為5槽底板,323型為10槽底板。由于它們不需要插入式CPU模塊,所有編號的插槽(包括插槽1)都可以用于I/O或選件模塊。?內存備用電池位于電源模塊中;因此,如果電源從底板上拔下,電池將與位于底板電路板上的存儲器電路斷開。NI PXIe-8388然而,背板電路板包含一個高值電容器,稱為“超級電容器”,如果電源被移除或其電池被斷開,該電容器可以存儲足夠的電荷以在短時間內維持存儲器電路。請參閱第6章中的“超級電容器存儲器備份”一節。?這些CPU沒有時間(TOD)時鐘。NI PXIe-8388
Details about the baseplate features are located in Chapter 2. There are three different embedded CPUs: Model 311 (IC693CPU311), Model 313 (IC693CPU313), and Model 323 (IC693CPU323). The embedded CPUs have the following basic features: ? The CPU type cannot be changed. It is soldered to the backplane board in the baseplate. ? They do not support the use of Expansion or Remote racks, so an embedded CPU baseplate does not have an expansion connector like the modular baseplates do. This means that if you have an application that requires more than 10 modules, you will have to use a modular CPU system. ? The models 311 and 313 are 5-slot baseplates, and the model 323 is a 10-slot baseplate. Since they do not require a plug-in CPU module, all numbered slots, including Slot 1, can be used for I/O or Option modules. ? The memory back-up battery is located in the Power Supply module; so if the Power Supply is unplugged from the baseplate, the battery will be disconnected from the memory circuits, which are located on the backplane circuit board. However, the backplane circuit board contains a high value capacitor, called a ”super capacitor,” that can store enough charge to maintain the memory circuits for a short period of time if the Power Supply is removed or its battery is disconnected. See the section “Super Capacitor Memory Backup” in Chapter 6. ? These CPUs do not have a time-of-day (TOD) clock.NI PXIe-8388
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