NI PXIe-5630矢量網絡分析儀
型號:NI PXIe-5630
NI PXIe-5630矢量網絡分析儀中文資料:
NI PXIe-5630矢量網絡分析儀首次通電時,PSOK信號變為假。在+5V總線符合規范后,該線路至少保持20毫秒為假,然后變為真。如果輸入電源中斷,+5V總線將保持在規格范圍內,PSOK將至少保持0毫秒。然后PSOK變為假。+5V總線將保持在規格范圍內至少4毫秒,以允許有序關閉電源(所有電源)上的CPU串行端口連接器,提供與CPU串行端口的連接,該端口用于連接:?運行GE Fanuc PLC編程軟件的程序員(通常是個人計算機)。NI PXIe-5630GE Fanuc手持式編程器。?其他串行設備1端口連接器\374;串行端口連接器僅在安裝在包含CPU的基板中的電源中起作用。串行端口在安裝在擴展或遠程底板中的電源上不起作用。?任何連接到串行端口的設備,如果使用90-30系列電源的+5 VDC電源,則必須包含在最大功耗的計算中(請參閱“電源負載計算”NI PXIe-5630
When power is first applied, the PSOK signal goes false. This line remains false for a minimum of 20 msec after the +5V bus is within specifications, then it becomes true. If input power is interrupted, the +5V bus will remain within specifications and PSOK will remain true a minimum of 0 milliseconds. PSOK then goes false. The +5V bus will remain within specifications for an additional 4 milliseconds minimum to allow an orderly shutdown of the CPU Serial Port Connector on Power Supply (All Supplies) A 5-pin D-type female connector, accessed by opening the hinged door on the right front of the power supply, provides the connection to a CPU serial port which is used to connect to: ? A programmer (usually a personal computer) running GE Fanuc PLC programming software. ? The GE Fanuc Hand-Held Programmer. ? Other serial devicesl Port Connector ? The serial port connector is only functional in a power supply that is installed in a baseplate that also contains the CPU. The serial port is not functional on a power supply that is installed in an expansion or remote baseplate. ? Any device connected to the serial port that uses +5 VDC power from the Series 90-30 power supply must be included in the calculation for maximum power consumption (see “Power Supply Loading CalculatiNI PXIe-5630
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