NI PXIE-6544數字控制器
型號:NI PXIE-6544
NI PXIE-6544數字控制器中文資料:
NI PXIE-6544數字控制器BATT如果內存備用電池電壓過低,無法在斷電狀態下維持內存,底部紅色LED(標記為BATT)將亮起;否則它將保持關閉狀態。如果此指示燈亮起,則必須在從機架上卸下電源之前更換鋰電池,否則可能會丟失PLC內存。輸入過電壓保護裝置此信息適用于除IC693PWR322和IC693PWR 328之外的所有90-30系列電源。NI PXIE-6544該電源的過電壓保護裝置內部連接到用戶接線板上的引腳4。該針腳通常通過出廠時安裝的跨接導線與機架接地(針腳3)相連。如果不需要過電壓保護或在上游提供過電壓保護,可以通過從針腳3和4上拆下跨接帶來禁用此功能。如果要對該電源進行高壓測試,則必須在測試過程中通過移除端子排跳線帶來禁用過電壓保護。測試后,通過重新安裝帶重新啟用過電壓保護。NI PXIE-6544
BATT The bottom red LED, labeled BATT, will be ON if the memory backup battery voltage is too low to maintain the memory under a loss of power condition; otherwise it remains OFF. If this LED is ON, the Lithium battery must be replaced before removing power from the rack, or PLC memory may be lost. Input Overvoltage Protection Devices This information applies to all Series 90-30 power supplies except IC693PWR322 and IC693PWR328. The overvoltage protection devices for this power supply are connected internally to pin 4 on the user terminal strip. This pin is normally connected to frame ground (pin 3) with the supplied jumper strap which is installed at the factory. If overvoltage protection is not required or is supplied upstream, this feature can be disabled by removing the jumper strap from pins 3 and 4. If you want to Hi-pot test this supply, overvoltage protection must be disabled during the test by removing the terminal strip jumper strap. Re-enable overvoltage protection after testing by reinstalling the strap.NI PXIE-6544
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