SST SST-IBS-CLX-RLLRAPID編輯器功能RAPID編輯器具有以下功能:?剪切、復制、粘貼和拖放-支持富文本的剪貼板處理。?撤消和重做-支持撤消和重做操作。?轉到行-使用鍵盤快捷鍵導航到編輯器中的特定行。?選擇模式-可以按字符、行和列選擇文本。?行號-出現在編輯器的左邊緣。編程功能RAPID編輯器具有以下RAPID特定功能。語法著色根據RAPID中的語法功能,用特定顏色寫入代碼的每個部分。SST SST-IBS-CLX-RLL有助于快速識別單詞和拼寫錯誤。文本的自動著色基于RAPID語言的語法。您可以更改RAPID編輯器的文本顏色。有關更多信息,請參見第184頁的選項:機器人:編輯器。參數信息在您鍵入的RAPID指令的工具提示中顯示可用參數。通過顯示必須指定的所有可選和必需參數,幫助在編輯器中鍵入過程或函數調用。SST SST-IBS-CLX-RLL
RAPID Editor functions RAPID editor has the following functions: ? Cut, copy, paste and drag and drop - supports clipboard handling of rich text. ? Undo and redo - supports undo and redo operations. ? Go To Line - navigates to a specific line within the Editor using a keyboard shortcut. ? Selection modes - possibility to select text by character, row and column. ? Line numbers - appears in the left margin of the editor.Programming functions The RAPID Editor has the following RAPID specific functions.Syntax coloring Writes each part of the code with a specific color, based on its syntactic function in RAPID. Helps to quickly recognize words and misspellings. The automatic coloring of the text is based on the syntax of the RAPID language. You can change the text color of the RAPID editor. For more information, see Options:Robotics:Editor on page 184. Parameter Info Shows available parameters in a tool tip for the RAPID instructions you type. Helps to type in a procedure or function call in the editor by showing all the optional and required arguments that must be specified.SST SST-IBS-CLX-RLL