SST 5136-PFB-104接口卡
SST SST-PFB-PLC5保存此按鈕將所選事件類別的事件記錄保存到計算機上的日志文件中。6.記錄到文件此復選框允許將事件日志當前顯示的所有事件保存到計算機上的日志文件中。如果保持選中狀態,日志文件將在發生新事件時更新。7.事件信息此框顯示事件列表中所選事件的信息。8.事件記錄事件記錄顯示為所選類別的事件列表。事件的嚴重性用顏色表示:藍色表示信息,黃色表示警告,SST SST-PFB-PLC5紅色表示需要糾正才能繼續的錯誤。關于RAPID編輯器RAPID編輯器允許您查看和編輯加載到控制器程序存儲器中的程序。使用RAPID編輯器可以編輯程序模塊的RAPID代碼。您打開的每個模塊都會出現在自己的程序編輯器窗口中,您可以在其中鍵入代碼。SST SST-PFB-PLC5
Save This button saves the event records of the selected event categories to log files on the computer. 6. Log to file This checkbox enables all events currently shown by the Event Log to be saved to a log file on the computer. If it remains checked the log file will be updated with new events as they occur. 7. Event Information This box displays information about the event selected in the event list. 8. Event Record The event record is shown as a list of events of a selected category. The severity of the event is indicated by color: blue for information, yellow for warning and red for an error which needs to be corrected in order to proceed. About RAPID Editor The RAPID editor enables you to view and edit programs loaded into the controller program memory. With the RAPID editor you edit the RAPID code of the program's modules. Each module you open will appear in a program editor window of its own, where you type in the code.SST SST-PFB-PLC5