SST 5136-PFB-VME接口卡
NEC 136-551735-D-04運行輸送機模擬1。創建操作說明。請參閱第221頁的操作說明。注意!創建以下五個動作指令以及移動指令:ConfL\Off、ActUnit CNV1、WaitWObj Workobject_1、DropWObjWorkobject_1和DeactUnit CNV1。以下程序是一個示例,顯示了指令序列的顯示方式:注意!如果在執行程序時發生錯誤,控制器將進入保護狀態。在此狀態下,RobotStudio無法在下一次模擬期間執行程序。要從該狀態恢復,請打開控制面板并切換到手動模式,然后切換到自動模式。NEC 136-551735-D-04有關更多信息,請參閱應用手冊-輸送機跟蹤。2.同步到VC。請參見第364頁的“同步到VC”。3.設置模擬。請參見第297頁的模擬設置。4.單擊“模擬”。出現“輸送機模擬”對話框。5.在輸送機速度框中,設置模擬期間的速度。注意!要向后移動輸送機,請選中“反向”復選框。6.單擊應用。7.單擊“播放”以運行模擬。注意!運行模擬時,可以更改輸送機速度和方向。注意!要將輸送機跳回到起始位置,請單擊重置。只要工作站至少有一臺輸送機,此按鈕將保持啟用狀態。NEC 136-551735-D-04
NEC 136-551735-D-04輸入輸出模塊
Running a conveyor simulation 1. Create Action Instructions. See Action Instruction on page 221. NOTE! Create the following five action instructions along with Move instructions: ConfL\Off,ActUnit CNV1,WaitWObj Workobject_1, DropWObjWorkobject_1 and DeactUnit CNV1. The following program is an example showing how the sequence of instructions appears:NOTE! If an error occurs while executing the program, the controller reaches Guard state. In this state, RobotStudio cannot execute the program during the next simulation. To recover from this state, open the Control Panel and switch to Manual Mod and then to Auto Mode. For more information, see Application manual - Conveyor Tracking. 2. Synchronize to VC. See Synchronize to VC on page 364. 3. Set up the Simulation. See Simulation Setup on page 297. 4. Click Simulation. The Conveyor Simulation dialog appears. 5. In the Conveyor Speed box, set the speed during simulation. NOTE! To move the conveyor in the backward direction, select the Reverse check box. 6. Click Apply. 7. Click Play to run the simulation. NOTE! The conveyor speed and direction can be changed while running the simulation. NOTE! To jump the conveyor back to the start position, click Reset. This button remains enabled as long as the station has at least one conveyor.