NI PXI-6030E數據采集卡
NI PXI-6030E站點邏輯簡介站點邏輯具有智能組件的一些特性。它可用于在站點級別處理這些特性。站點邏輯編輯器由以下與智能組件編輯器類似的選項卡組成:?組成?財產和綁定?信號和連接?查看有關智能組件編輯器特性的更多信息打開站點邏輯您可以通過以下兩種方式之一啟動站點邏輯:?在模擬選項卡中,選擇站點邏輯。?在布局瀏覽器中,在樁號上單擊鼠標右鍵,然后選擇“樁號邏輯”。Station Logic與智能組件之間的差異下表列出了使用Station Logic和智能組件時的一些差異:編輯器窗口包含一個文本框,顯示用于修改文本的組件的描述?!熬庉嬈鳌贝翱跊]有可以修改描述的描述文本框。NI PXI-6030E“合成”選項卡具有以下選項:?子組件?保存狀態?資源“合成”標簽具有以下選項NI PXI-6030E
NI PXI-6030E數據采集卡
Introduction to Station Logic The Station Logic has some of the characteristics of a Smart Component. It can be used to work with these characteristics on the station level. The Station Logic editor consists of the following tabs similar to that of a Smart Component editor: ? Compose ? Properties and Bindings ? Signals and Connections ? View For more information on the characteristics of a Smart Component editor Opening Station Logic You can launch Station Logic in any of the following two ways: ? In the Simulation tab, select Station Logic. ? In the Layout browser, right-click the station and select Station Logic. Differences between Station Logic and Smart Component The following table lists some of the differences while working with Station Logic and a Smart Component:The Editor window consists of a text box displaying the description of the component that is used for modifying the text. The Editor window do not have the description text box wherein the description can be modified. The Compose tab has the following options: ? Child components ? Saved States ? Assets The Compose tab has the following options: ? Child components ? Saved States