MOOG G123-825-001伺服放大器
e graphics window
redraws or updates slowly
This might be due to the performance of your computer not
being high enough for the size of the geometry files in your
To reduce the size of the geometry files, do any of the following:
? Use a lower detail level for rendering the geometry. For
more information, see Graphic Appearance on page
? Blends, chamfers and holes can be automatically
simplified by using the Defeature function. This can
greatly reduce graphic complexity, speed up simulations
and reduce memory usage.
? Check if the object has unnecessary details. Remove
details that are not necessary for your programming or
simulation.Parts of the geometry are
not visible
If parts of the geometry are not visible from some views, a
probable cause is that the object is made up of 2D surfaces and
the option Backface culling is on.
Backface culling means that the faces of the object are only
visible from the front, and if the object (or any of its faces) is
oriented differently, they will not be visible.