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ICS TRIPLEX T8230模擬量輸入模塊

ICS TRIPLEX T8230模擬量輸入模塊

ICS TRIPLEX T8230模擬量輸入模塊打開469產品頁面。3.單擊“產品資源”列表中的“軟件”項,轉到469軟件頁面。4.將顯示469PC軟件的最新版本。單擊469PC程序項將安裝程序下載到本地PC。運行安裝程序并按照提示安裝到所需目錄。完成后,將出現一個新的GE Power Management組窗口,其中包含469PC圖標。8-4 469電機管理繼電器GE Power Managem...

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ICS TRIPLEX T8230模擬量輸入模塊

    ICS TRIPLEX T8230模擬量輸入模塊

    打開469產品頁面。3.單擊“產品資源”列表中的“軟件”項,轉到469軟件頁面。4.將顯示469PC軟件的最新版本。單擊469PC程序項將安裝程序下載到本地PC。運行安裝程序并按照提示安裝到所需目錄。完成后,將出現一個新的GE Power Management組窗口,其中包含469PC圖標。8-4 469電機管理繼電器GE Power Management 8.2配置8 469 PC軟件8 8.2配置8.2.1啟動和通信配置1。將運行469PC軟件的計算機通過一個RS485端口(參見第2-20頁第2.2.14節:RS485通信端口)或直接通過RS232前端端口連接至繼電器。雙擊GE Power Management組中的469PC程序圖標,或從Windows開始菜單中選擇469PC。3.469PC軟件將嘗試與繼電器通信。如果通信成功建立,屏幕上顯示的繼電器將顯示與實際繼電器上相同的信息。當通信建立時,顯示的LED狀態也將與實際繼電器相匹配。4.如果469PC無法與繼電器建立通信,將顯示此消息。5.選擇Yes(是)以編輯通信設置(或者隨時選擇communications(通信)>Computer(計算機)菜單項)。此時將出現COMMUNICATIONS/COMPUTER(通信/計算機)對話框,其中包含本地PC的各種通信設置。應按如下所示修改設置。圖8-2:通信/計算機對話框6。要開始通信,請單擊對話框通信部分中的ON按鈕。狀態部分指示通信狀態。如果建立了通信,將顯示消息“469PC現在正在與469通話”。此外,屏幕右下角的狀態指示“正在通信”。GE Power Management 469電機管理繼電器8-5 8 469 PC軟件8.3使用469PC 8 8.3使用469PC8.3.1將設定值保存到文件中在執行任何固件升級之前,必須將設定值存儲到本地PC上的文件中。在進行任何設定點更改或創建新的設定點文件之前,強烈建議保存設定點。要將設定值保存到本地PC上的文件中,請遵循以下步驟。1.選擇文件>屬性菜單項。出現下面的對話框,允許為469PC軟件配置正確的固件版本。469PC在創建設定點文件時需要知道正確的版本,以便特定版本中不可用的設定點不會下載到繼電器中。2.選擇正確的固件版本后,選擇文件>另存為菜單項。這將啟動以下對話框。在文件名框中輸入保存設定點的文件名,或選擇任何顯示的文件名來更新它們。所有469個設定點文件的擴展名應為469(例如,motor1.469)。單擊“確定”繼續。3.軟件讀取所有繼電器設定值,并將其存儲到所選文件中。8-6 469電機管理繼電器GE電源管理8.3使用469PC 8 469 PC軟件8 8.3.2 469固件升級在將新固件下載到469之前,有必要將469設置點保存到文件中(參見上一節)。將新固件加載到469閃存中的過程如下:1。確保本地PC通過前端RS232端口連接到469,并建立通信。將當前設定值保存到

    to open the 469 product page. 3. Click the Software item from the Product Resources list to go to the 469 software page. 4. The latest version of the 469PC software will be shown. Click on the 469PC Program item to download the installation program to your local PC. Run the installation program and follow the prompts to install to the desired directory. When complete, a new GE Power Management group window will appear containing the 469PC icon. 8-4 469 Motor Management Relay GE Power Management 8.2 CONFIGURATION 8 469 PC SOFTWARE 8 8.2 CONFIGURATION 8.2.1 STARTUP & COMMUNICATIONS CONFIGURATION 1. Connect the computer running the 469PC software to the relay via one of the RS485 ports (see Section 2.2.14: RS485 COMMUNICATIONS PORTS on page 2–20) or directly via the RS232 front port. 2. Double-click the 469PC program icon within the GE Power Management group or select 469PC from the Windows Start Menu. 3. The 469PC software will attempt to communicate with the relay. If communications are successfully established, the relay shown on the screen will display the same information seen on the actual relay The LED Status shown will also match the actual relay when communications is established. 4. If 469PC cannot establish communications with the relay, this message will appear. 5. Select Yes to edit the communications settings (or alternately, select the Communications > Computer menu item at any time). The COMMUNICATIONS/COMPUTER dialog box will appear containing the various communications settings for the local PC. The settings should be modified as shown below. Figure 8–2: COMMUNICATION/COMPUTER DIALOG BOX 6. To begin communications, click the ON button in the Communication section of the dialog box. The status section indicates the communications status. If communications are established, the message “469PC is now talking to a 469” is displayed. As well, the status at the bottom right hand corner of the screen indicates “Communicating”. GE Power Management 469 Motor Management Relay 8-5 8 469 PC SOFTWARE 8.3 USING 469PC 8 8.3 USING 469PC 8.3.1 SAVING SETPOINTS TO A FILE Setpoints must be saved to a file on the local PC before performing any firmware upgrades. Saving setpoints is also highly recommended before making any setpoint changes or creating new setpoint files. To save setpoints to a file on the local PC, follow the procedure below. 1. Select the File > Properties menu item. The dialog box below appears, allowing for the configuration of the 469PC software for the correct firmware version. 469PC needs to know the correct version when creating a setpoint file so that setpoints not available in a particular version are not downloaded into the relay. 2. When the correct firmware version is chosen, select the File > Save As menu item. This launches the following dialog box. Enter the filename under which the setpoints are saved in the File Name box or select any displayed file names to update them. All 469 setpoint files should have the extension 469 (for example, motor1.469). Click OK to proceed. 3. The software reads all the relay setpoint values and stores them to the selected file. 8-6 469 Motor Management Relay GE Power Management 8.3 USING 469PC 8 469 PC SOFTWARE 8 8.3.2 469 FIRMWARE UPGRADES Prior to downloading new firmware to the 469, it is necessary to save the 469 setpoints to a file (see the previous section). Loading new firmware into the 469 flash memory is accomplished as follows: 1. Ensure the local PC is connected to the 469 via the front RS232 port and that communications are established. Save the current setpoints to a


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    型號:ICS TRIPLEX T8230 





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