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ICS TRIPLEX T8402 DCS工控模塊備件2 00 80設置點地址0080設置點數量2 00 02 2個設置點(總共4字節)字節計數1 04 2個寄存器=4字節命令功能2 00 05地址0080命令操作2 00 01地址0081 CRC 2 0B D6 CRC的數據由主從站響應計算:字節示例/描述從站11功能代碼1 10的從站地址1 0B響應消息存儲設置點數據起始地址2 00 80設置...

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    ICS TRIPLEX T8402 DCS工控模塊備件

    2 00 80設置點地址0080設置點數量2 00 02 2個設置點(總共4字節)字節計數1 04 2個寄存器=4字節命令功能2 00 05地址0080命令操作2 00 01地址0081 CRC 2 0B D6 CRC的數據由主從站響應計算:字節示例/描述從站11功能代碼1 10的從站地址1 0B響應消息存儲設置點數據起始地址2 00 80設置點地址0080設置點數量2 00 02 2個設置點(共4字節)CRC 2 40 8A由從屬GE Power Management 469電機管理繼電器6-15 6通信6.3錯誤響應6 6.3錯誤響應6.3.1描述當469檢測到CRC錯誤以外的錯誤時,將向主控發送響應。FUNCTION CODE(功能代碼)字節的MSbit將設置為1(即,從從機發送的功能代碼將等于從主機發送的功能碼加上128)。以下字節將是一個異常代碼,指示發生的錯誤類型。469將忽略從具有CRC錯誤的主機接收的傳輸。從機對錯誤(CRC錯誤除外)的響應為:?從機地址:1字節?功能代碼:1字節(MSbit設置為1)?異常代碼:1個字節?CRC:2字節469實現以下異常響應代碼。01-非法功能傳輸的功能代碼不是469支持的功能之一。02-非法數據地址主機發送的數據字段中引用的地址不是469的允許地址。03-非法數據值主機傳輸的數據字段中引用的值不在所選數據地址的范圍內。6-16 469電機管理繼電器GE電源管理6.4存儲器映射6通信6.4存儲器映射6.4.1存儲器映射信息469中存儲的數據分為設定值和實際值。設置點可由主計算機讀取和寫入。實際值為只讀。所有設定值和實際值存儲為雙字節值。也就是說,每個寄存器地址都是兩字節值的地址。地址以十六進制列出。數據值(設定點范圍、增量、出廠值)以十進制表示。許多Modbus通信驅動程序將40001d添加到寄存器地址的實際地址。例如:如果要讀取地址0h,則40001d將是Modbus通信驅動程序所需的地址;如果要讀取地址320h(800d),則40801d將是Modbus通信驅動程序所需的地址。6.4.2用戶可定義的內存映射區域469具有一個強大的功能,稱為用戶可定義內存映射,允許計算機通過使用一個Modbus數據包讀取多達124個非連續數據寄存器(設置點或實際值)。主計算機經常需要連續輪詢每個連接的從屬繼電器中的各種值。如果這些值分散在整個內存映射中,那么讀取它們將需要多次傳輸,并會給通信鏈路帶來負擔。用戶可定義存儲器映射可編程為將任何存儲器映射地址連接到連續用戶映射位置塊中的一個,從而可以通過讀取這些連續位置來訪問它們。用戶可定義區域有兩個部分:1。包含125個實際值或設定點寄存器地址的寄存器索引區(存儲器映射地址0180h至01FCh)。2.寄存器區域(存儲器映射地址0100h至017Ch),其包含寄存器索引中的地址處的數據。在存儲器映射的其余部分中分離的寄存器數據可以重新映射到用戶可定義寄存器區域中的相鄰寄存器地址。這是通過寫入用戶可定義的寄存器索引區域中的寄存器地址來實現的。這允許改進數據的吞吐量,并且可以消除對多個讀取命令序列的需要。例如,如果平均相位的值

    2 00 80 setpoint address 0080 NUMBER OF SETPOINTS 2 00 02 2 setpoints (4 bytes total) BYTE COUNT 1 04 2 registers = 4 bytes COMMAND FUNCTION 2 00 05 data for address 0080 COMMAND OPERATION 2 00 01 data for address 0081 CRC 2 0B D6 CRC calculated by the master SLAVE RESPONSE: BYTES EXAMPLE / DESCRIPTION SLAVE ADDRESS 1 0B response message from slave 11 FUNCTION CODE 1 10 store setpoints DATA STARTING ADDRESS 2 00 80 setpoint address 0080 NUMBER OF SETPOINTS 2 00 02 2 setpoints (4 bytes total) CRC 2 40 8A CRC calculated by the slave GE Power Management 469 Motor Management Relay 6-15 6 COMMUNICATIONS 6.3 ERROR RESPONSES 6 6.3 ERROR RESPONSES 6.3.1 DESCRIPTION When an 469 detects an error other than a CRC error, a response will be sent to the master. The MSbit of the FUNCTION CODE byte will be set to 1 (i.e. the function code sent from the slave will be equal to the function code sent from the master plus 128). The following byte will be an exception code indicating the type of error that occurred. Transmissions received from the master with CRC errors will be ignored by the 469. The slave response to an error (other than CRC error) will be: ? SLAVE ADDRESS: 1 byte ? FUNCTION CODE: 1 byte (with MSbit set to 1) ? EXCEPTION CODE: 1 byte ? CRC: 2 bytes The 469 implements the following exception response codes. 01 - ILLEGAL FUNCTION The function code transmitted is not one of the functions supported by the 469. 02 - ILLEGAL DATA ADDRESS The address referenced in the data field transmitted by the master is not an allowable address for the 469. 03 - ILLEGAL DATA VALUE The value referenced in the data field transmitted by the master is not within range for the selected data address. 6-16 469 Motor Management Relay GE Power Management 6.4 MEMORY MAP 6 COMMUNICATIONS 6 6.4 MEMORY MAP 6.4.1 MEMORY MAP INFORMATION The data stored in the 469 is grouped as Setpoints and Actual Values. Setpoints can be read and written by a master computer. Actual Values are read only. All Setpoints and Actual Values are stored as two-byte values. That is, each register address is the address of a two-byte value. Addresses are listed in hexadecimal. Data values (setpoint ranges, increments, factory values) are in decimal. Many Modbus communications drivers add 40001d to the actual address of the register addresses. For example: if address 0h was to be read, 40001d would be the address required by the Modbus communications driver; if address 320h (800d) was to be read, 40801d would be the address required by the Modbus communications driver. 6.4.2 USER DEFINABLE MEMORY MAP AREA The 469 has a powerful feature, called the User Definable Memory Map, which allows a computer to read up to 124 non-consecutive data registers (setpoints or actual values) by using one Modbus packet. It is often necessary for a master computer to continuously poll various values in each of the connected slave relays. If these values are scattered throughout the memory map, reading them would require numerous transmissions and would burden the communication link. The User Definable Memory Map can be programmed to join any memory map address to one in the block of consecutive User Map locations, so that they can be accessed by reading these consecutive locations. The User Definable area has two sections: 1. A register index area (memory map addresses 0180h to 01FCh) that contains 125 actual values or setpoints register addresses. 2. A register area (memory map addresses 0100h to 017Ch) that contains the data at the addresses in the register index. Register data that is separated in the rest of the memory map may be remapped to adjacent register addresses in the User Definable Registers area. This is accomplished by writing to register addresses in the User Definable Register Index area. This allows for improved through-put of data and can eliminate the need for multiple read command sequences. For example, if the values of Average Phase

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    型號:ICS TRIPLEX T8402  





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