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IS220PPRAS1A機械設備卡件過程連接889D-F4AC-2(M12x1連接器)測量單元壓阻測量單元和金屬測量隔膜889D-R4AC-2(M22x1直角連接器)應用測量和監控絕對壓力和表壓過程連接螺紋?1/4 NPT內螺紋?1/4 NPT-外螺紋?G1/4 BSPP外螺紋G 1/2B SAE 7/16-20 UNF O形圈凸臺注意:調試前,壓力變送器必須進行目視檢查液體泄漏表明損壞。?僅在壓...

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    過程連接889D-F4AC-2(M12x1連接器)測量單元壓阻測量單元和金屬測量隔膜889D-R4AC-2(M22x1直角連接器)應用測量和監控絕對壓力和表壓過程連接螺紋?1/4 NPT內螺紋?1/4 NPT-外螺紋?G1/4 BSPP外螺紋G 1/2B SAE 7/16-20 UNF O形圈凸臺注意:調試前,壓力變送器必須進行目視檢查液體泄漏表明損壞。?僅在壓力變送器處于安全最佳狀態時使用。羅克韋爾軟件是股份有限公司的商標。商標不屬于其各自公司的財產。羅克韋爾Otomasyon Ticaret A.?.,Kar Plaza伊什默凱茲E Blok Kat:6 34752伊澤倫克,伊斯坦布爾,電話:+90(216)5698400在其網站上保持最新的產品環境信息http://www.rockwellautomation.com/rockwellautomation/about-us/sustainability-ethics/product-environmental-compliance.page.10001930278 Ver 01 Publication 836P-IN002B-EN-P-2017年12月14142258.02取代Publication836P-IN002A-EN-P-2015年10月版權所有?2017,Inc.保留所有權利。在美國印刷的密封類型平行螺紋錐形螺紋(NPT)必須使用合適的平墊圈和密封圈在密封面上用平行螺紋正確密封工藝連接件。錐形螺紋(例如NPT螺紋)的密封是通過為螺紋提供額外的密封材料,例如PTFE膠帶(EN 837-2)來實現的。拆卸和處置拆卸:只有在系統減壓后才能斷開壓力變送器。處置:處置不當會危及環境。按照特定國家的廢物處理法規,以環境兼容的方式處理儀器和包裝材料。支持技術支持,請訪問http://www.rockwellautomation.com/support/overview.page.廢棄電氣和電子設備(WEEE)注意:卸下的壓力變送器中的殘余介質可能會對人員、環境和設備造成風險。采取充分的預防措施。在使用壽命結束時,該設備應與未分類的城市垃圾分開收集。根據EN 837/DIN 3852-E NPT遷移解決方案836E固態壓力傳感器到836P固態壓力傳感器識別、緩解并幫助消除自動化過時的風險在當今經濟中,有必要提供遷移解決方案,以幫助您提高生產率并降低維護舊設備的風險。您需要與具備產品、服務和行業知識的供應商合作,制定升級戰略,幫助您最大限度地提高競爭優勢。它的合作伙伴將與您一起制定一個符合您的應用程序需求和長期目標的計劃。我們可以幫助您一次性或分階段遷移,遷移速度符合您的預算。考慮到您的目標,開發了一種遷移策略,使您能夠快速輕松地從836E壓力傳感器遷移到836P壓力傳感器。為什么升級或遷移雖然836E固態壓力傳感器一直是我們產品組合中有價值的一部分,但該產品將在2016年5月之后不再銷售*。現在是遷移到836P固態壓力傳感器的時候了。新型836P壓力傳感器能夠測量液體或氣體的壓力,是比前一系列更具成本效益的解決方案。這些設備可用于顯示和非顯示型號

    Process Connection 889D-F4AC-2 (M12x1 connector) Measuring Cell Piezoresistive measuring cell and metallic measuring diaphragm 889D-R4AC-2 (M12x1 right angle connector) Application Measurement and monitoring of absolute and gauge pressures Process connection Thread ? 1/4 NPT female ? 1/4 NPT male ? G1/4 BSPP male G 1/2B SAE 7/16-20 UNF O-ring BOSS ATTENTION: Before commissioning, the pressure transmitter must be subjected to a visual inspection. ? Fluid leakage is indicative of damage. ? Only use the pressure transmitter if it is in perfect condition concerning safety.  and Rockwell Software are trademarks of , Inc. Trademarks not belonging to are property of their respective companies. Rockwell Otomasyon Ticaret A.?., Kar Plaza ?? Merkezi E Blok Kat:6 34752 ??erenk?y, ?stanbul, Tel: +90 (216) 5698400 maintains current product environmental information on its website at http://www.rockwellautomation.com/rockwellautomation/about-us/sustainability-ethics/product-environmental-compliance.page. 10001930278 Ver 01 Publication 836P-IN002B-EN-P - December 2017 14142258.02 Supersedes Publication 836P-IN002A-EN-P - October 2015 Copyright ? 2017 , Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Types of Sealing Parallel Thread Tapered Thread (NPT) Correct sealing of the process connections with parallel threads at the sealing face must be made using suitable flat gaskets and sealing rings. The sealing of the tapered threads (for example, NPT thread) is made by providing the thread with additional sealing material such as, PTFE tape (EN 837-2). Dismounting and Disposal Dismounting: Only disconnect the pressure transmitter once the system has been depressurized. Disposal: Incorrect disposal can put the environment at risk. Dispose of instrument and packaging materials in an environmentally compatible way and in accordance with the country-specific waste disposal regulations. Support For technical support, visit http://www.rockwellautomation.com/support/overview.page. Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) ATTENTION: Residual media in the dismounted pressure transmitter can result in a risk to persons, the environment, and equipment. Take sufficient precautionary measures. At the end of life, this equipment should be collected separately from any unsorted municipal waste. per EN 837 per DIN 3852-E NPT Migration Solutions 836E Solid-State Pressure Sensors to the 836P Solid-State Pressure Sensors Identify, Mitigate and Help Eliminate the Risk of Automation Obsolescence In today’s economy, it is necessary to have migration solutions that help you to achieve increased productivity and lessen your risk of maintaining your legacy equipment. You need to work with a supplier that has the product, service and industry knowledge to partner with you on an upgrade strategy that will help you maximize your competitive advantage. and its partners will work with you to outline a plan that fits your application needs and long-term goals. We can help you migrate all at once or in phases, at the pace that is comfortable for you and fits your budget. With your goals in mind, has developed a migration strategy that will allow you to quickly and easily migrate from 836E pressure sensors to the 836P pressure sensors. Why Upgrade or Migrate While the 836E Solid-State Pressure Sensor has been a valuable part of our portfolio, this product will no longer be available for sale after May 2016*. Now is the time to migrate to the 836P SolidState Pressure Sensor. Capable of measuring pressure of liquid or gases, the new 836P pressure sensors are a more cost-effective solution than the previous family. These devices are available in display and non-display models


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    品牌: GE






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