這種變頻器輸入側變壓器采用多相移位技術,輸出側采用多電平正弦PWM技術,諧波較低,在無輸出濾波器的情況下,就可使THD<1%,其單元串聯的數量決定輸出電壓的等級,所以它可適用于任何普通的高壓電動機。雖然采用這種結構會使器件的數量增加,但由于驅動功率下降,開關頻率較低且不必采用均壓電路,系統的效率仍可達97%,功率因數可達0.95以上。另外,在某個功率單元出現故障時,可自動退出系統,而其余的功率單元可繼續保持電機的運行,減少停機時造成的損失,便于冗余設計,技術上較成熟。< p="">
2.1水泥廠大功率變器類型的選擇other peers, and helps to explore the European and American markets. Due to the Ethernet port of PLC itself, firstly, the communication speed between PLC and man-machine interface is greatly improved. Secondly, Ethernet is the trend of industrial control equipment communication in the future. Early entry has great advantages for its future competition.
7 opinions and suggestions
Although the Ethernet port of SIMATIC s7-1200 controller has fast communication speed, it requires that the paired man-machine interface also needs to be equipped with Ethernet port. Although Siemens has also produced KTP series products, the customer has not accepted it for various reasons. Wenview products are used in this system. If a complete set of Siemens products can be used, the effect will be more superior. Its predecessor was the blood products business of Chengdu Institute of biological products. Not long ago, Rongsheng pharmaceutical has just moved into a new production base located