負載負載負載和激光型號型號。。直徑。#螺釘間隙位置 螺紋直徑。#螺釘的間隙位置螺紋。自動化出版物年月光電傳感器典型響應曲線圖響應曲線和光束模式標準模型背景抑制 到白色目標的距離。光束直徑 背景抑制 到白色目標的距離操作裕度 距離。光束直徑距離 接收器型號。光束直徑毫米透射光束銳截止漫反射 到白色目標的距離操作裕度距離光束直徑。反光 距離操作裕度 距離光束直徑 。光束直徑距離標準漫反射 操作裕度到白色目標的距離距離光束直徑 典型響應曲線光束模式典型響應曲線波束模式 。
自動化出版物年月光電傳感器圖響應曲線和光束模式激光模型表線組和附件說明類別。 線組直形針 線組直型針。典型范圍安裝支架旋轉傾斜 直徑反光鏡 直徑反射鏡孔徑槽孔徑狹槽孔徑插槽孔徑組標準漫反射光束模式偏振反射光束模式光束直徑 距離 距離。距離 透射光束裕度操作裕度距離 標準漫反射裕度距離 偏振后向反射裕度 (。思考。自動化和軟件是自動化公司的商標。不屬于自動化的商標是其各自公司的財產。出版物年月取代出版物月日版權所有?自動化公司保留所有權利。在美國印刷自動化支持使用以下資源訪問支持信息。文檔反饋您的意見將幫助我們更好地滿足您的文檔需求。如果您對如何改進本文檔有任何建議請填寫“我們做得怎么樣?”?
Load Load and laser model number.. Diameter# Screw clearance position thread diameter# Clearance position of screw thread. The typical response curve of the lunar photoelectric sensor and the distance from the background suppression of the standard model of beam mode to the white target. The distance from the beam diameter background suppression to the white target operating margin distance. Beam diameter distance receiver model. Beam diameter mm The distance from the sharp cut-off diffuse reflection of the transmitted beam to the white target The operating margin is the distance from the beam diameter. Reflective distance Operating margin Distance beam diameter. Beam diameter Distance from standard diffuse reflection operating margin to distance from white target Beam diameter Typical response curve Beam mode Typical response curve Beam mode.
Photoelectric sensor
Automation Publications Year Month Photoelectric Sensor Graph Response Curve and Beam Mode Laser Model Table Line Groups and Attachment Description Categories. Straight needle of thread group Straight needle of thread group. Typical range Mounting bracket Rotational tilt diameter Reflector diameter Reflector aperture Slot aperture Slot aperture group Standard diffuse beam mode Polarized reflected beam mode Beam diameter Distance distance. Distance Transmission Beam Margin Operating Margin Distance Standard Diffuse Reflection Margin Distance Polarized Backward Reflection Margin (. Thinking. Automation and software are trademarks of automation companies. Trademarks that do not belong to automation are the property of their respective companies. Publications supersede Publications Month Day Copyright ? All rights reserved by Automation Company. Printing Automation Support in the United States uses the following resources to access support information. Document feedback will help us better meet your document needs. If you have any suggestions on how to improve this document, please fill in "How are we doing?"?