EFR9SCBG V DC±0%紅外0.0…0 m0.0……ftNMOSFET EFGRCAG……V DC暗操作EFGSCBG推薦標準針DC微型M快速斷開線組。889DFAC推薦的標準針DC微微M8快速斷開線組。889PFAB推薦的標準針AC微型M快速斷開線組。889DFAEA§連接選項:對于DC型號,F后綴描述了0 mmin.長電纜上的針DC microM快速斷開連接器,而對于AC型號,G后綴描述的是0 mmin長電纜中的針AC microM快速斷斷連接器。對于其他連接選項,對于沒有快速斷開連接的m電纜例如EFPMPBA,將F或G后綴替換為:AY表示針DC微微M8快速斷開連接例如,EFPMPBY。此選項僅適用于DC非激光型號。PMOSFET模型具有比NMOSFET更低的短路保護浪涌電流閾值。因此,由于感應噪聲,它們可能容易受到誤觸發或短路保護。
Dark operation
EFR9SCBG V DC ± 0% infrared 0.0... 0 m0.0...... FtNMOSFET EFGRCAG...... V DC dark operation EFGSCBG recommended standard pin DC micro M quick disconnect group. 889DFAC recommended DC pico M8 quick disconnect wire group. 889PFAB recommended standard needle AC mini M quick disconnect group. 889DFAEA § Connection options: For DC models, the F suffix describes 0 mm The pin DC microM quick disconnect connector on the long cable, while for the AC model, the G suffix describes the pin AC microM quick disconnect connector in the 0 mm long cable. For other connection options, for m cables without quick disconnection, such as EFPMPBA, replace the F or G suffix with: AY means DC pico M8 quick disconnection, such as EFPMPBY. This option is only available for DC non laser models. PMOSFET model has lower short-circuit protection surge current threshold than NMOSFET. Therefore, they may be vulnerable to false triggering or short circuit protection due to induced noise.
Category of glass fiber optical cable
For high noise AC applications, we recommend the NMOSFET model. Category of glass fiber optical cable. No. Description User interface color status status label Yellow OFF output power-off output power-off ON output power-off output power-off flashing SCP activation NA orange OFF margin<normal operation ON margin>. Teaching mode activation Flashing output SCP activation is only available for AC models Teaching mode activation or output SCP activation Green OFF sensor is not powered on, SCP is active, output activation sensor is not powered on Flashing NA instability margin condition or output SCP activation Note: for DC models, when SCP is activated, output and margin LEDs flash alternately. Wiring diagram ?? For Allen Bradley PLC compatible interfaces, refer to publication –. 0.