使用接線盒套件選項時伺服電機將失去等級。 伺服電機出版物年月圖 系列伺服電機配置和選項伺服電機電纜伺服電機電纜信息可在 伺服電機產品數據出版物中找到。電機安裝螺栓規格請參閱下表以確定與電機一起使用的正確螺栓類型。為 系統選擇高分辨率電機使用以下標準進行選擇:對于需要在啟動時知道軸位置且無需復位的應用使用多回轉電機。對于需要制動器的應用使用多匝電機。對于所有其他應用使用單圈電機。注:非電機不適用于高分辨率反饋。接線盒套件用于軸向電纜定向氟橡膠軸油封可選整體制
使用接線盒套件反饋安裝套件時伺服電機不能達到等級可選環境密封包括軸密封可選整體高分辨率絕對反饋電機內部代替分解器編碼器二次反饋包反饋安裝套件注:僅用于配有分解器的型號電機螺栓尺寸節距法蘭厚度螺釘長度扭矩 。 扭矩值為典型值。實際值取決于使用的緊固件材料。 系列伺服電機出版物年月確定目錄號 目錄號由各種部件制成。目錄號的每個字符標識該組件的特定版本選項。使用以下選擇表確定所需電機選件和電纜的目錄號。伺服電機有關所有 系列電機的額定轉速請參閱伺服電機性能數據部分的表格。高分辨率編碼器選項僅適用于環境等級。公告編號類型電壓框架系列電機長度電機繞組代號法蘭和軸系列反饋標準選項 鐵氧體交流伺服電機 框架直徑 螺栓中心 框架直徑框架尺寸額定電機轉速的字母名稱 帶鍵槽的公制法蘭單圈高分辨率反饋多圈高分辨率回饋空白基于解析器的反饋環境等級僅適用于所有框架系列
The servomotor will lose its rating when using the terminal box kit option. Servo Motor Publications Monthly and Monthly Figures Series Servo Motor Configurations and Options Servo Motor CablesServo motor cable information can be found in Servo Motor Product Data Publications. Refer to the following table for motor mounting bolt specifications to determine the correct bolt type to use with the motor. High resolution motors are selected for the system using the following criteria: Multi turn motors are used for applications where the shaft position needs to be known at startup and no reset is required. Use multi turn motors for applications that require brakes. Use single coil motors for all other applications. Note: Non motor is not applicable to high resolution feedback. Junction box kit for axial cable oriented fluororubber shaft oil seal optional monobloc
Important tips inside the brake motor:
When using the junction box kit to feedback the installation kit, the servo motor cannot reach the grade. Optional environmental seal includes shaft seal. Optional overall high resolution absolute feedback motor. Internal replacement of resolver encoder. Secondary feedback package. Feedback installation kit. Note: Only used for models equipped with resolver. Motor bolt size, pitch, flange thickness, screw length, torque. Torque values are typical. The actual value depends on the fastener material used. Series Servo Motor Publications Catalog No. is determined by month and year Catalog No. is made of various components. Each character of the catalog number identifies a specific version option for that component. Use the following selection table to determine the catalog number of the required motor options and cables. Refer to the table in the servo motor performance data section for the rated speed of all series of motors. The high resolution encoder option is only available at the environment level. Bulletin Number Type Voltage Frame Series Motor Length Motor Winding Code Flange and Shaft Series Feedback Standard Options Ferrite AC Servo Motor Frame Diameter Bolt Center Frame Diameter Frame Size Letter Name Rated Motor Speed Metric Flange with Keyway Single Turn High Resolution Feedback Multiple Turn High Resolution Feedback Blank Resolver Based Feedback Environment Level Only Applicable to All Frame Series