.Reference Registration
This drawing is subject to change without notice. Refer to the example of the proportion of the optional seat plane in the top and bottom package of the registration. The package is designed to be soldered to the heat sink on the circuit board. For more information, refer to Texas Instruments document numbers and. Depending on the application, the through-hole is optional, refer to the equipment data sheet. It is recommended to fill or cover the through-hole below the steel. The proportion of the exposed metal in the onshore example: see the detail drawing of the welding mask. The exposed metal metal edge. The welding mask opening. The non welding mask definition. The preferred welding mask. The exposed metal metal welding mask opening. The welding mask definition. The template design. The typical typical maximum height. The crystal tube shape. Note: The laser cutting holes on the trapezoidal wall and round corners can provide better material release.
Design suggestions
There may be other design suggestions. The panel assembly site may have different suggestions on the template design. Example of solder based on thick gauge: the important statement and disclaimer of mechanical data version provide technical and reliability data, including data sheet design resources, including reference design applications or other design suggestions, tool safety information and other resources, which are provided "as is", with all defects, and disclaim all express and implied warranties, Including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non infringement of third party intellectual property rights. These resources are intended for skilled developers who use product design. You are solely responsible for selecting the appropriate product for your application, designing, verifying and testing your application, and ensuring that your application complies with applicable standards and any other safety and security regulatory or other requirements.