當20-COMM-E適配器連接到PowerFlex 750系列驅動器時,不支持CIP參數對象(類ID=0x0F)。?當20-COMM-E適配器連接到PowerFlex 750系列驅動器時,增加了對漢語、日語和韓語的支持。?更改了品牌兼容性,以允許20-COMM-E適配器在連接到VTAC品牌驅動器時運行。?為直通DPI參數對象(類ID 0x93和0x9F)添加了對8字節Get Scattered(服務代碼0x4D)和8字節Set Scatterd(服務代碼為0x4E)服務的支持。下表顯示了訪問每個端口設備參數的實例號轉換:增強功能1糾正異常2確定固件版本3固件閃爍5限制8兼容版本8羅克韋爾自動化支持9產品滿意度返回9實例(十六進制)(12月。)設備示例說明0x0000–0x3FFF 0–16383主機驅動器0類屬性(驅動器)選項卡1驅動器參數1屬性0x4400–0x47FF 17408–18431端口1
STRUCT在一條消息中最多可重復16次。?當使用RSLogix 5000 v17(或更高版本)和特定于驅動器的附加配置文件時,增加了對非計劃I/O連接的支持,以在處理器保持運行模式時在線添加I/O。?增加了對EtherNet/IP上單播I/O連接的支持。?增加了對IP子網之間通過EtherNet/IP的I/O連接的支持。糾正的異常本節描述了此版本固件中糾正的異常:?糾正了第3類(消息傳遞)連接上消息傳遞重試的檢測。?更正了適配器網頁上的一個錯誤,即按下瀏覽器的刷新按鈕會返回適配器主頁。?使N42:3 PCCC控制超時值可讀。
main points:
CIP parameter objects (class ID=0x0F) are not supported when the 20-COMM-E adapter is connected to PowerFlex 750 series drives. ? When the 20-COMM-E adapter is connected to the PowerFlex 750 series drive, support for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean is added. ? Brand compatibility changed to allow the 20-COMM-E adapter to run when connected to a VTAC branded drive. ? Added support for 8-byte Get Scattered (service code 0x4D) and 8-byte Set Scattered (service code 0x4E) services for pass through DPI parameter objects (class IDs 0x93 and 0x9F). The following table shows the conversion of the instance number for accessing the device parameters of each port: enhancements 1. correcting exceptions 2. determining the firmware version 3. firmware flickering 5. restrictions 8. compatible versions 8. rockwell automation support 9. product satisfaction return 9. instances (hexadecimal) (December.) device example description 0x0000 – 0x3FFF 0 – 16383 host drive 0 class attribute (drive) tab 1. drive parameter 1 attribute 0x4400 – 0x47FF 17408 – 18431 port 1
Important information:
STRUCT can be repeated up to 16 times in a message. ? When using RSLogix 5000 v17 (or later) and additional drive specific profiles, support for unplanned I/O connections has been added to add I/O online while the processor remains in running mode. ? Added support for unicast I/O connections over EtherNet/IP. ? Added support for I/O connection between IP subnets through EtherNet/IP. Corrected exceptions This section describes the exceptions corrected in this version of firmware: ? Corrected the detection of message passing retries on type 3 (messaging) connections. ? Corrected an error on the adapter web page, that is, pressing the browser's refresh button will return to the adapter home page. ? Make the N42:3 PCCC control timeout value readable.