A-B 80190-280-02-R控制數據輸入輸出
當開關設置為002…254時。此外,設備的設置參數05-[Net Addr Sel]自動忽略。
要使用參數作為IP地址的源,節點地址開關必須設置為001…254或888以外的值,以及設備參數05-[Net Addr Sel]必須設置為“1”(參數)。IP地址,子網掩碼和網關地址將來自使用關聯的選項模塊參數。有關詳細信息,請參見使用選項第36頁的模塊參數。
要使用BOOTP作為IP地址的源,節點地址開關必須設置為001…254或888以外的值,并且設備參數05-[Net Addr Sel]必須設置為“2”(BOOTP)。?DHCP(動態主機配置協議)-使用DHCP設置,當您希望與配置IP地址、子網掩碼和網關地址時的BOOTP用于使用DHCP服務器的選項模塊。
使用DHCP作為源對于IP地址,節點地址開關必須設置為其他值001…254或888,且設備參數05-[Net Addr Sel]必須為設置為“3”(DHCP)。如果PowerFlex 750系列驅動器連接到Stratix 6000或Stratix 8000受管以太網交換機,驅動器設置為BOOTP模式“端口動態IP地址分配”(Stratix 6000)或“DHCPpersistence”(Stratix 8000)功能將設置驅動器的IP地址。
有關更多詳細信息,請參閱Stratix 6000以太網網管交換機用戶手冊、出版物1783-UM001或Stratix 8000和Stratix 8300以太網管理交換機用戶手冊,出版物1783-UM003
Setting the Node Address
There are four methods for configuring the option module node address: ? Node Address Switches — Use these switches when working on a simple, isolated network (for example, 192.168.1.xxx) that has other products with switches to set their IP addresses, does not need to be accessed from outside the network, and you prefer a simplified node addressing method. The three rotary switches are read when the drive powers up, and represent three decimal digits from top to bottom (see Figure 2). When set to a valid address (001…254), the option module will use that value as the lower octet of its IP address (192.168.1.xxx, where xxx = rotary switch settings), along with a subnet mask of, and a gateway address of when switches are set to 001, or a gateway address of when switches are set from 002…254. Also, the setting for Device Parameter 05 - [Net Addr Sel] is automatically ignored. See Figure 2 and its accompanying table for all possible switch settings and their related descriptions. ? Option Module Parameters — Use option module parameters when you want more flexibility in setting up the network node address, or need to communicate outside the control network using a gateway. To use parameters as the source for the IP address, the Node Address switches must be set to a value other than 001…254 or 888, and Device Parameter 05 - [Net Addr Sel] must be set to “1” (Parameters). The IP address, subnet mask, and gateway address will then come from the values set using the associated option module parameters. For details, see Using Option Module Parameters on page 36.
BOOTP — Use BOOTP when you want to configure a temporary IP address, subnet mask, and gateway address for the option module using a BOOTP server. To use BOOTP as the source for the IP address, the Node Address switches must be set to a value other than 001…254 or 888, and Device Parameter 05 - [Net Addr Sel] must be set to “2” (BOOTP).
? DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
— Use DHCP, the default, when you want additional flexibility and ease-of-use compared to BOOTP in configuring the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway address for the option module using a DHCP server. To use DHCP as the source for the IP address, the Node Address switches must be set to a value other than 001…254 or 888, and Device Parameter 05 - [Net Addr Sel] must be set to “3” (DHCP).If the PowerFlex 750-Series drive is connected to a Stratix 6000 or Stratix 8000 managed Ethernet switch and the drive is set for BOOTP mode, the “dynamic IP address assignment by port” (Stratix 6000) or “DHCP persistence” (Stratix 8000) feature will set the IP address for the drive. For more details, see the Stratix 6000 Ethernet Managed Switch User Manual, publication 1783-UM001 or the Stratix 8000 and Stratix 8300 Ethernet Managed Switches User Manual, publication 1783-UM003
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