為了使客戶機運行,必須在中定義模塊的客戶機命令列表配置的SIE Client x Commands部分。此列表最多包含16個單個條目,每個條目包含構造有效
? 命令啟用模式:(0)禁用或(1)連續
? 遠程服務器上要連接的IP地址和服務端口
? 從節點地址
? 命令類型-讀取或寫入
? 數據庫源和目標寄存器地址-確定數據的位置放置和/或獲取
? 計數-選擇要傳輸的字數-參見參考依據處理器類型
? 輪詢延遲-1/10秒
模塊上的以太網端口為自動感應。您可以使用任一標準將模塊連接到以太網集線器、10/100 Base-T以太網交換機或直接連接到PC。模塊將檢測電纜類型,并使用適當的引腳發送和接收以太網信號。
Client Driver
In the Client driver, the MVI56E-SIE module issues read or write commands to servers on the Siemens Industrial Ethernet network using up to 20 simulated Clients. The commands originate either from the module's user-configured Client x Command List for each Client. The commands from the Client x Command List are executed either via routine polling or as a result of special Command Control block requests from the processor. Client status data is returned to the processor in special Client Status blocks. The following flowchart describes the flow of data into and out of the module.
1 The Client driver obtains configuration data when the module restarts. This includes the timeout parameters and the Command List. These values are used by the driver to determine the types of commands to be issued to servers on the Siemens Industrial Ethernet network. 2 When configured, the Client driver begins transmitting read and/or write commands to servers on the network. The data for write commands is obtained from the module's internal database. 3 Assuming successful processing by the server specified in the command, a response message is received into the Client driver for processing.4 Data received from the server is passed into the module's internal database, if the command was a read command. General module status information is routinely returned to the processor in the input images. 5 Status data for a specific Client can be requested by the processor and returned in a special Client Status block. 6 Special functions, such as Command Control options, can be generated by the processor and sent to the Client driver for action.
Client Command List
In order for the Client to function, the module's Client Command List must be defined in the SIE Client x Commands section of the configuration. This list contains up to 16 individual entries, with each entry containing the information required to construct a valid command. This includes the following: ? Command enable mode: (0) disabled or (1) continuous ? IP address and service port to connect to on the remote server ? Slave Node Address ? Command Type - Read or Write ? Database Source and Destination Register Address - Determines where data will be placed and/or obtained ? Count - Select the number of words to be transferred - see reference based on processor type ? Poll Delay - 1/10th seconds For information on troubleshooting commands, see Client Command Errors
Ethernet Cable Specifications
The recommended cable is Category 5 or better. A Category 5 cable has four twisted pairs of wires, which are color-coded and cannot be swapped. The module uses only two of the four pairs. The Ethernet ports on the module are Auto-Sensing. You can use either a standard Ethernet straight-through cable or a crossover cable when connecting the module to an Ethernet hub, a 10/100 Base-T Ethernet switch, or directly to a PC. The module will detect the cable type and use the appropriate pins to send and receive Ethernet signals. Ethernet cabling is like U.S. telephone cables, except that it has eight conductors. Some hubs have one input that can accept either a straight-through or crossover cable, depending on a switch position. In this case, you must ensure that the switch position and cable type agree. Refer to Ethernet cable configuration (page 140) for a diagram of how to configure Ethernet cable.
PLC可編程控制器模塊,DCS卡件,ESD系統卡件,振動監測系統卡件,汽輪機控制系統模塊,燃氣發電機備件等,優勢品牌:Allen Bradley、BentlyNevada、ABB、Emerson Ovation、Honeywell DCS、Rockwell ICS Triplex、FOXBORO、Schneider PLC、GE Fanuc、Motorola、HIMA、TRICONEX、Prosoft等各種進口工業零部件、歐美進口模塊。