GE 228B3156G2輸出控制器
? 如果在模塊配置文件中設置了讀取寄存器計數>200字,塊ID 0未使用。
? 如果模塊配置文件中的讀取寄存器計數設置為>0
R1W1>R2W2>R3W1>R1W2>R2 W1>R 3W2>R1W1
Module’s Internal Database Structure
All data transferred between the module and the processor over the backplane is through the input and output images. Ladder logic must be written in the ControlLogix processor to interface the input and output image data with data defined in the controller tags. All data used by the module is stored in its internal database. This database is defined as a data table with addresses from 0 to 4999
Data contained in this database is transferred in blocks, or pages, using the input and output images. ControlLogix ladder logic and the MVI56E-SIE module's program work together to coordinate these block transfers. Up to 200 words of data can be transferred from the module to the processor (read block - input image) or from the processor to the module (write block - output image) in each block transfer. The block structure of each block type depends on the data content and function of the block. The module uses the following block identification numbers: Block ID Range Descriptions -1 Null block 0 This feature enhances performance, especially when using less than 200 words of read/write data: ? If Read Register Count in the module configuration file is set > 200 words, Block ID 0 is not used. ? If Read Register Count in the module configuration file is set >0 and <= 200 words, Block ID contains the same data as block 1 (both read data and status data).
Normal Data Transfer Blocks
Normal data transfer includes the paging of user data from the module’s internal database (registers 0 to 4999), as well as paging of status data. These data are transferred through read (input image) and write (output image) blocks. The following topics describe the function and structure of each block. Read Block These blocks of data transfer information from the module to the ControlLogix processor. The following table describes the structure of the input image.The Read Block ID is an index value used to determine where the 200 words of data from module memory will be placed in the ReadData[x] controller tag array of the ControlLogix processor. Each transfer can move up to 200 words (block offsets 2 to 201) of data. In addition to moving user data, the block also contains status data for the module. The Write Block ID associated with the block requests data from the ControlLogix processor. During normal program operation, the module sequentially sends read blocks and requests write blocks. For example, if the application uses three read and two write blocks, the sequence will be as follows: R1W1>R2W2>R3W1>R1W2>R2W1>R3W2>R1W1> This sequence will continue until interrupted by other write block numbers sent by the controller or by a command request from a node on the Siemens Industrial Ethernet network or operator control through the module’s Configuration/Debug port.
PLC可編程控制器模塊,DCS卡件,ESD系統卡件,振動監測系統卡件,汽輪機控制系統模塊,燃氣發電機備件等,優勢品牌:Allen Bradley、BentlyNevada、ABB、Emerson Ovation、Honeywell DCS、Rockwell ICS Triplex、FOXBORO、Schneider PLC、GE Fanuc、Motorola、HIMA、TRICONEX、Prosoft等各種進口工業零部件、歐美進口模塊。