Rung # 3: The MOVEWORD function moves a zero to the COMREQ Status Word referenced in the Command Block (see rung #4). This clears the status word. This rung also
resets the FT output coil of the COMREQ Function Block in rung #6. It is vital that the
status word be cleared and the COMREQ fault output coil be cleared each time before
initiating a COMREQ function.
Rungs # 4-5: The BLKMVINT functions set up the COMREQ Command Block contents.
When these rungs are activated, the constant operands are moved into memory beginning at the address indicated in the instruction.
Rung # 6: The COMREQ Function Block has three input and two output parameters.
The IN field points to the starting location of the Command Block parameters
(%R00301 in this example).
The SYSID field defines the target rack and slot to receive the command data. The
first two digits of SYSID (00 in this example) indicate the rack number, the last two
digits (04 in this example) indicate the slot number.
The TASK field indicates which mailbox task ID to use for the specified rack and slot.
It can be 0 for Channel commands, 2 for Network Diagnostics, or 13 (0Dh) for
Generic Messages.
The FT output (CMRQFLT in this example) is turned on (set to 1) if there were
problems preventing the delivery of the Command Block to the FIP Bus Controller.
In this case, the other status indicators are not updated for this COMREQ.
The OK output is not used in this example so that the sample code can equally apply
to a Series 90-70 or a Series 90-30 PLC.The Series 90-70 PLC can maintain up to 32 individual TCP/IP communications channels
through which it can exchange data with other PLCs or controllers on the network.
This chapter explains how to use COMREQ instructions to:
Allow the Series 90-70 PLC to read up to 2048 bytes of data from a specified range of
memory in another PLC on the network.
Allow the Series 90-70 PLC to write up to 2048 bytes of data into a specified range of
memory in another PLC on the network.
Allow the Series 90-70 PLC to write up to 2048 bytes of data to a host application on
the network.
Monitor communications channels using the Channel Status bits and the Detailed
Channel Status words.
See Chapter 6 for more general instructions about programming Communications
Requests to the FIP Bus Controller and monitoring COMREQ status.Communications channels utilize the concept of periodic data transfers. The local PLC
uses a single COMREQ to establish a channel (connection) to another device (PLC or
controller) and to request that specific data be periodically transferred between them.
The COMREQ’s Command Block specifies the frequency and direction of the transfer
and the memory locations to be used in the transfer.
After a channel is established, the Bus Controller automatically manages the
establishment of communications and the periodic data transfer.
The COMREQ specifies whether the channel will remain open for a specific number of
transfers (including just one), or indefinitely. If a channel is set up for a specific number
of transfer, the Bus Controller will close the channel automatically when that number of
transfers has taken place. If a channel is set up to remain open indefinitely, it can later be
closed or re-tasked.