PLC可編程控制器模塊,DCS卡件,ESD系統卡件,振動監測系統卡件,汽輪機控制系統模塊,燃氣發電機備件等,優勢品牌:Allen Bradley、BentlyNevada、ABB、Emerson Ovation、Honeywell DCS、Rockwell ICS Triplex、FOXBORO、Schneider PLC、GE Fanuc、Motorola、HIMA、TRICONEX、Prosoft等各種進口工業零部件
2或1?也需要識別時間“t Discrim 3P”斷路器方案,其中每個斷路器都有自己的自動重合閘功能。
參數“t Discrim 1P”或“t discrem”的典型設置單相和三相重合閘的3P'為最短值的50%這是一個死時間。
通過在故障識別時間的結束時間t Discrim。1P′。建議將時間“t1EvolFaults”設置為比自動重合閘死區時間“t Dead1 1P”長。“t超時”
參數't Timeout'確定死后的時間段必須發出關閉信號的時間,否則”“是的。“跳閘”被生成,并且沒有進行進一步的重合閘嘗試。
邏輯[('synchroChck'和'CO ready')或'Dead Line'或“ExtSCBypas”)]被選中,并且只有在“t超時”設置范圍內所有條件都正確的情況下才啟用該命令。如果在重合閘循環期間出現“CondBlkAR”信號(即。
“程序中的AR”信號激活),它只有在當前重合閘循環的結束,前提是它仍然有效。在機組運行期間,重合閘循環保持閉鎖狀態啟用最后一個二進制I/P后的阻塞時間“t AR Block”。當輔助電源接通或參數設置加載時,保護繼電器初始化期間也會發生閉鎖。為了控制自動重合閘功能,必須配置三個I/P信號“跳閘CB”(一般跳閘),“跳閘CB 3P”(三相跳閘)和“啟動”。實現這一點的正常程序
The discrimination time ‘t Discrim 3P’ is also needed for 2 or 1?
breaker schemes, where each circuit-breaker has its own autoreclosure function.
A typical setting for the parameters ‘t Discrim 1P’ or ‘t Discrim
3P’ for single and three-phase reclosure is 50 % of the shortest
dead time.
The minimum permissible setting for the discrimination time is:
100 ms + CB time
The time ‘t1EvolFaults’ during which a subsequent fault has to
be detected (evolving or unsuccessful reclosure) is a distance
function setting.
The distance protection parameter ‘t1EvolFaults’ enables the
time to be set during which a subsequent fault (evolving or unsuccessful reclosure) results in a three-phase trip, i.e. every
second trip by the distance protection function trips all three
phases. The auto-reclosure function also signals the switchover
to three-phase tripping by exciting the signal ‘Trip 3-Pol’ at the
end of the fault discrimination time ‘t Discrim. 1P’.
It is advisable to set the time ‘t1EvolFaults’ longer than the autoreclosure dead time ‘t Dead1 1P’.
't Timeout'
The parameter ‘t Timeout’ determines the period after the dead
time within which the close signal must be issued, otherwise a
‘Def.Trip’ is generated and no further reclosure attempt is made.
Before a close command is issued at the end of every dead time,
the logic [(‘synchroChck’ AND ‘CO ready’) OR ‘Dead Line’ OR
‘ExtSCBypas’)] is checked and the command only enabled providing all the criteria are correct within the setting of ‘t Timeout’.Should a ‘CondBlkAR’ signal occur during a reclosure cycle (i.e.
the ‘AR in prog.’ signal is active), it only becomes effective from
the end of the current reclosure cycle and providing it is still active.
A reclosure cycle remains blocked for the duration of the set
blocking time ‘t AR Block’ after the last binary I/P has been enabled. Blocking also takes place during initialisation of the protection relay when its auxiliary supply is switched on or the parameter settings are being loaded.In order to control the auto-reclosure function, it is necessary to
configure the three I/P signals ‘Trip CB’ (general trip), ‘Trip CB 3P’
(three-phase trip) and ‘Start’. The normal procedure to achieve this
is to select the protection signals via the sub-menu ‘OUTPUT
FROM FUNCTION’. Since the auto-reclosure function is completely independent, signals from other functions may also be