PLC可編程控制器模塊,DCS卡件,ESD系統卡件,振動監測系統卡件,汽輪機控制系統模塊,燃氣發電機備件等,優勢品牌:Allen Bradley、BentlyNevada、ABB、Emerson Ovation、Honeywell DCS、Rockwell ICS Triplex、FOXBORO、Schneider PLC、GE Fanuc、Motorola、HIMA、TRICONEX、Prosoft等各種進口工業零部件
? 僅當操作員激活啟用開關及時識別危險情況,以便可以立即采取必要措施避免此類情況!
? 啟用開關僅用于啟用執行以下操作的命令:危險的運動。命令本身必須被激活
? 2位啟用開關只能與緊急停止設施。
? 在HT 40X上,啟用開關始終具有2個通道。能夠評估在以下方面應遵守哪些規則或規則的哪些部分:機器的安全相關部件,可進行風險評估。
? EN 292“機械設計的一般原則”
? EN 1050“機械風險評估原則”
? EN 954-1“控制系統的安全相關部件”
? Enabling switches may only be used if the operator activating the
enabling switch recognizes the dangerous situation in time so that he
can immediately take the necessary measures to avoid such situations!
? The enabling switch is only used to enable commands for performing
dangerous movements. The commands themselves must be activated
by a separate operating element (key on HT). Only persons who are
allowed to activate the enabling switch are also allowed to work in the
dangerous area.
? 2-position enabling switches may only be used in connection with an
emergency stop facility.
? At the HT 40X, the enabling switches always feature 2 channels.
To be able to assess what rules or what parts of the rules are to be observed regarding the
safety-related parts of a machine, the risk assessment can be carried out.
2.4 Risk Assessment of Machinery
For the risk assessment the following standards must be applied:
? EN 292 ?General principles for design of machinery“
? EN 1050 ?Principles for risk assessment of machinery“
? EN 954-1 ?Safety-related parts of control systems“
The safety categories (B, 1, 2, 3, 4) which finally define the structure of safety-related parts of
a machine result from this risk assessment.
The following wiring diagram shows how the safety category 3 can be fulfilled with KEBA's
handheld terminals and their safety-related parts. The entire concept of the machine must be
laid out according to the principles of safety category 3.Functional procedure:
Only if both enabling switches ZT1 and ZT2 are activated ?simultaneously“ both output relays K1
and K2 will energise and the output contacts 13-14 and 23-24 will close.
The output relays K1 and K2 will not energise if
? only one enabling switch is activated,
? the simultaneity period is exceeded,
? the feedback control loop X1-X2 is open.
If an enabling switch is released after being simultaneously activated, the output relays K1 and K2
will de-energise again. The forced-guided output contacts 13-14 and 23-24 will open. The output
relays will energise again only after both enabling switches have been released and simultaneously
operated once again.
In this way the enabling switches meet the requirement which consists in avoiding that one single error
makes the safety function inoperational. A single error will be recognized at the next cycle at the latest.